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     Bokuto never understood why parents, were so scared of the teen years. His were pretty ok and decent, sure he gave his parents a few scares. Other than that it was fine! So why fear teen years? Well he realized why when his daughter Kaya hit 16.
      Her first ever heartbreak happened, and it was scary for him. And for his husband Keiji, who had to pick her up from the side of the road. Not only did her first heartbreak happen, but she also found ' the one' her words.   
      Koutarou was meeting him tonight, and finding out Kaya had a boyfriend. So ripping the band aid off.
     " remember Kou no matter what happens tonight. You'll be civil about it"  his husband of 10 years spoke from beside him. Keiji was the open minded one when it came to Kaya. He was the responsible, but also the get you out or into jail parent. And already knew the boyfriend Freddie.
    " it's just a friend JiJi! I'll be fine no need to worry" Koutarou smiled turning to give his raven a kiss on the cheek. The editor stiffened in his chair hearing the door open. From there spot at the dinner table they watched two teens enter. Kaya entered first hand in hand with Freddie. She had her black hair tied in a messy bun, amber eyes full of love as she entered the house.
    " hello birth giver and sperm donor-"
   " Kaya Anne Bokuto what'd we say about addressing us like that? " Keiji raised an eyebrow as the girl sat next to him. The slightly smaller brunet joining her side.
   " well you won't let me call you parental units. Dad's fine with both. Right dad? " she looked at the pro volleyball player. Koutarou was glaring at Freddie, not liking how close his daughter seemed to him. They had come in holding hands.
    " dad-"
   " huh? Oh! Umm.. Listen you know I'm scared to argue with your papa. " he admitted looking back to Freddie.
    " who's he? " suddenly the atmosphere shifted, everyone turned stiff. The quiet brunet looked at the threatening male. To Freddie his girlfriends dad seemed like he could kick his ass.
   " Azumane, Freddie sir" the smaller hummed making eye contact with the others father. Freddie quickly averted his gaze looking to Keiji for help. He offered a kind smile before speaking.
   " Kou, Freddie here is our sweet Kaya's boyfriend" the couple had decided it would be better if Keiji broke the news. To keep the owl a bit more tame and stable.
    It was quiet for a minute. Freddie and Koutarou locked in a staring contest.
    " it's umm.. Nice to meet you-"
   " you're dating my daughter? Do you think you're worthy enough of her? Can you provide for her-"
    " Koutarou sit down" Keiji spoke stern to his husband. The spiker wasn't even aware he'd risen from his seat. He looked the boy over opening his mouth to speak.
     " I believe I can sir. Keiji has already approved of us-"
     " you knew before me? " Koutarou looked at his husband with hurt eyes.
    " well dad.. You're not the most behaved person. When I told you about Zyler you dragged him outside. And tossed him into your tool she'd, locked the door and said ' you can date her if you know each of those tools and what they're used for' " she quoted watching her dad turn red and sink into his chair.
    After that night Koutarou eventually began to like Freddie. They started bonding of word working, and both had a love for being out doors. Freddie then began to join them on family camping trips. All was going well until while packing Kaya forgot something.
    " hey.. Um dad. Could you run me to the pharmacy real quick? " she asked her dad who was sealing burgers for the trip. Koutarou looked at the noiret raising an eyebrow.
    " are you sick? What doesn't feel ok? "  Kaya swallowed dryly. Why did Keiji have to be out finding stuff for there trip?
    " no um...everythings fine I just need to.. Pick up my prescription"
   " you have a new bottle of Fluoxitine in the cabinet? What do you need? Pads, tampons, liners ? " the girl began to panic. How do you tell someone this? Let alone your over protective dad.
   " no I need to grab my birth control " she lowered her gaze to her feet awaiting a terrible response.
    " oh- ok.. Then let's go "
That night while packing Keiji could tell his lover was off. Normally packing was hell with Koutarou. He seemed to need 15 changes of clothes for 7 days. Plus anytime he grabbed a towel, it was mandatory to slap Keiji's ass with it. None of that was happening, instead he was pouting. Sulking as he hid away in the closet surrounded by old baby clothes.
    " ok what's wrong. I've managed this whole thing with a towel slap. What's wrong? " Keiji sat beside his husband who was folding a pink onsie. The words ' like dad but better looking' facing the father.
    " when did she get so adult? Keiji today she asked me to take her to the pharmacy to" he lowered his voice.
    "  get birth control " he watched his husband's concerned face fall blunt.
    " Koutarou she's 16 almost 17-"
    " she's still a baby! Too young to be.. Ya know.. Having intercourse " the father avoided the word. To him Kaya was still the little girl who was afraid of crowds. Couldn't go anywhere without her dad, and stuffed bunny with her.
    " Koutarou. Look at me, when did we start having sex together? What year were you in? " the younger shifted to look at the male. Koutarou folded his arms grumbling.
    " I was a third year"
    " how old were you? "
    " .. 17" the pro looked away from his husband.
     " what year was I? "
     " second, you were 16- Keiji that's different! " he sounded frantically.
      " how so? We'd been dating six months before we did anything. Kaya and Freddie are approaching a year. And they love each other. Their in a healthy rela-" he was stopped by the 6'4 man flopping on him silently crying. Keiji just hummed rubbing his back.
    " she should still be little, the baby who could fit in both my palms with extra room. I don't want her to be growing up so fast. You're a saint for handling her growing up" he admitted looking at his husband. Keiji gave a warm smile kissing his forehead.
     " it bothers me to, to see our baby girl  growing into a young lady. But I know we raised her right. I know she'll be fine on her own, and she knows were always here " Koutarou blinked looking at the editor. Convinced now he'd truly married a saint.
     " let's have another kid JiJi! " this made the younger laugh.
    " you're 46 dear and I'm 45. I don't think we should be having another kid. Plus a 16 year age gap? " there was no reasoning with his husband who quickly sounded back.
     "  there's a 16 year gap between me and my oldest sister!! "
    " you're parents were young when they become parents. We didn't have Kaya till our early thirties. Now let's go finish packing " Keiji tapped his husbands knee standing up. The volleyball player watching his husband leave the closet. Koutarou gave a sigh putting up the onsie he was holding. After that talk he held onto Kaya just a bit longer in hugs.

An: * crawls out of grave* I'm alive!!! Just been through the ringer. BUT I'M HERE!!! more updated to come

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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