vii. school standoffs

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"Where were you!? We left you a message."

Kiara peered over Jessica's shoulder as Angela addressed the girl stepping out of a car directly outside of the restaurant. She felt her shoulders relax a little as she realised it was Bella Swan, completely unharmed and looking nothing if not as uncomfortable as she did usually when attention was directed to her.

"We waited, but we were starving --"

Jessica's words fell short as the driver side of the car opened up, none other than Edward Cullen stepping out in his trademark grey coat. Kiara smirked a little as she made eye contact with Bella, noticing how the girl blushed a deeper shade of red as the attention switched between her and the owner of the car she had just stepped out of.

"Sorry I kept Bella from dinner. We ran into each other and got talking," Edward smiled at them, Kiara sniggering under her breath a little as Jessica and Angela stumbled over their words a little as they spoke to the bronze haired boy.

Kiara couldn't help but think that she was maybe the only person in the entirety of Forks who didn't have eyes for the boy at this point - and if she looked closer she might have noticed the way his lips twitched a little as she thought that.

"Maybe I should make sure Bella gets something to eat," Edward interrupted before they could leave, noticing how they all turned to look at him in amusement. "If you'd like. Then I could drive you back myself."

"That's so... thoughtful," Angela swooned, Jessica nodding from beside her and echoing the statement. Kiara smiled gently at the duo as she lightly pushed at the other two girls to try and get them to move on and give the surprisingly new couple a chance to head inside and enjoy their dinner.

"Speaking of thoughtful..." Edward muttered under his breath as his eyes looked over the girl's heads and across the road. The four other girls all turned around to follow his line of sight, each and every one of their jaws dropping slightly as they noticed who was strutting towards them with a smile on her face.

Rosalie Hale paused in her step as she neared the five teenagers, shooting a smile at them all and holding her gaze on Kiara for a split second longer before looking at her brother with what Kiara sensed was a slight forced smile. He seemed genuinely surprised to see her, but as they stared at each other for a moment his gaze softened a little as they seemingly had a conversation with their eyes.

"You forgot this, Esme told me to bring it to you since I was dropping Emmett and Beverly off at that Italian down the road," Rosalie told him, reaching out and dropping a faded old wallet into his hands. Edward smiled at her for a moment, knowing fine well that he had a completely fine and full wallet tucked in the pocket of his jacket. "Hey, Kiara."

Kiara smiled shyly at Rosalie as the blonde turned to look at her as if everyone else wasn't there, her hand resting on her arm for a moment before she dropped it with a small smile.

"Thanks for letting Edward and Beverly borrow your notes for me - I really appreciate it. See you tomorrow?"

Kiara nodded as she watched her walk back to her red convertible, almost as if the whole interaction had been a figment of her imagination. Of course, Jessica and Angela's constant teasing about the interaction their entire drive back to Forks reminded her that it was real but Kiara didn't mind. She'd take 10,000 hours of teasing if it meant Rosalie would even glance at her like that again.


Funnily enough, Kiara did NOT see Rosalie the next day. She didn't get to see any of her friends - because as soon as she got in from Port Angles, her father was rushing out of the door with the intention of heading towards Sam's house. While Kiara had hated the man for a while, she was starting to accept whatever weird relationship he had with Jared and Paul, so she went with her father without any hesitation.

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