xxiii. rebirth

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"Alice is bringing you new clothes," Edward told Kiara as Bella held the younger girl's head back with her non-broken hand. They'd pulled up to the Cullen's household only for Kiara to throw herself out of Edward's Volvo as soon as the child lock was taken off the doors. She'd proceeded to throw up everything in her stomach, and also what Edward noted looked like black blood.

It turned his stomach a little - almost like the blood was rotten. Emmett, who had stepped outside to greet them, had also covered his mouth and nose a little before heading inside to get Alice to bring down some fresh clothes for Kiara once she stopped being sick.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" Bella asked as Kiara groaned, wiping her mouth once the substances had finally left her stomach. Kiara nodded, still crouched on the side of the driveway before she lifted herself up slowly.

"I'm fine," Kiara said, the lie obvious to them all. "Stomach bug."

"She's not fine," Alice said, having sped downstairs and on to the driveway with the requested clothes in her hands. "She's rejecting the imprint bond and it's killing her."

"Alice!" Edward snapped, noticing how it only caused Kiara's mind to continue to wallow in self-pity.  "Just give her the clothes please."

Alice huffed, the usually happy vampire obviously harbouring bitterness at Kiara's choice to reject the imprint rather than accept her fate. She handed the clothes over to Kiara, turning her nose up for a second as she caught a whiff of the rotten blood that Emmett and Edward had both been disgusted by.

"You can shower upstairs," Alice said, her voice still low and annoyed, while motioning for Kiara to follow her. She turned back to look at Bella, a wide smile appearing on her face as she looked at the girl. "Hey, Bella! Good to see you!"


"It's just a sprain, should heal fairly quickly," Carlisle smiled at Bella as he finished wrapping her hand up. Edward relaxed a little upon hearing that it wasn't broken, but it didn't mean that he was any less angry at Jacob for kissing her without her consent. He looked up as he heard three separate clusters of thoughts entering the room, Emmett and Jasper coming in from outside while Kiara entered from the staircase.

The werewolf looked at the boys before pulling the oversized hoodie sleeves down a little, knowing that she must look ridiculous in the large garment. Alice had told her that she wasn't sure if she was going to shift and ruin any clothes, and since she didn't have any spare hoodies in her size, then she was more than welcome to borrow one of Emmett's. It was times like this that Kiara wished that the other Cullen's would just wear normal sweaters or hoodies, but it seemed like they were all too fashionable for that - with the exception of the largest vampire in the house.

"Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?" Emmett joked as he sat on the counter, a grin on his face as he noticed the girl didn't seem to be in any pain. Jasper smiled at the banter too, having gotten more used to having the human around the house.

"I punched a werewolf in the face," Bella replied, giving him the same banter backwards. Emmett chuckled, his eyes drifting over to Kiara for second before looking back to Bella.

"Bad ass... You're gonna be one tough little newborn."

"Tough enough to take you on."

Kiara suddenly felt very out of place. Yeah, she knew that the pack had mentioned Bella becoming a vampire once or twice but she thought it was all hypothetical. She knew her brother was ripped up about it, but she hadn't realised that it was actually something that Bella had planned out and decided was happening. It almost made her stomach turn again.

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