xiv. secrets out

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"You like it?"

Kiara smiled as she leaned against the door frame, the small pick bandaid on her head the only physical reminder of the chaotic night that had occurred hours prior.

"It suits you," she mused, catching Emily's eye from across the room. The woman had held her breath the moment Sam launched to his feet and ran out with just the boys name on his lips, hearing the snarls and howls of the other boys who had already phased. After Paul, Sam and Jacob had gone wrestling back past the tree line, Jared and Billy had bundled up the shocked Kiara into the car and headed straight for Sam and Emily's place.

The elders had already gathered there, having been phoned by Billy during the journey. Kiara hadn't felt exactly as thrilled as the elders seemed to be about her brothers exciting transformation, especially as the cut on her had head stung every time she made a facial expression.

Emily had instantly assumed the worst when she saw the scratches on Kiara's hands and the gash on her forehead. She wrapped an arm around the girl and disappeared into the house with her without so much as another word to any of the others. They'd sat mostly in silence while Emily cleaned up her face and applied a little pink bandaid from the medical cupboard (the pink bandaid that apparently belonged to Kim's little cousin, hence the sparkles on it).

Kiara had fallen asleep in Sam and Emily's spare bedroom while waiting on the boys to get back.

Jacob had barged past all of the adults without so much as a hello, ignoring their calls as he rushed up the stairs to where his newly improved smell could sense his twin. He'd never really known Kiara's scent to be so distinctive before but it was almost instinctual. He wanted to rush in and apologise, and tell her he was sorry and that it wasn't her fault - but as soon as he noticed how peacefully she was asleep on the comforter, he knew he couldn't wake her.

If anyone asked him in years to come what it felt like seeing his sister for the first time since his transformation, he wouldn't have known how to describe it. It was as if something hung in the air between them, their twin bond that had always been sacred yet recently breaking and subdued suddenly finding itself at the forefront of his mind again. The elders told him it was likely the wolf inside of him recognising his biological other half for the first time, and while Jacob knew it wasn't like imprinting (and he hated when they said it could be similar because that really did sound like some incest-y, cult like terminology), he figured it was the twin sibling equivalent.

When Kiara finally had came down the stairs in the early afternoon of the next day, her eyes had immediately latched on to the thick black tribal tattoo that rested on her brothers shoulder. She knew the other boys had them, but she had never really thought to ask the main questions of how and when they even got them.

"Do you? Like it, that is?"

Kiara rolled her eyes before nodding at her brother.

"Yeah, I just said that suits you," she repeated. "When did you get it done?"

"Sue Clearwater did it an hour ago," Jared replied for Jacob, since he had just stuffed a muffin in his mouth. "What, surely you knew she did ours?"

Kiara shrugged as she noticed Sam walking towards the porch with a slight scowl on his face. She always found it fascinating how all the boys instantly turned their attention to the man whenever he entered a room, even when he didn't command it.

Usually, Sam would enter the pack house and walk straight towards Emily with a greeting. Kiara was fully accustomed to this, so when he made a beeline for her straight away she could see the surprise on everyone but Emily's face. He placed a hand on the side of her face, brushing her hair back and quickly inspecting the graze across her face and the area that hid under the pink bandaid.

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