xx. scents

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"Are you sure, this is a good idea? I'm a the vampire girl, remember?" Bella asked Jacob as they pulled up outside the pack house. She felt a little bad about riding off with Jacob when Edward had explicitly asked her not to, but her anger at having been lied to had consumed her thoughts. She knew it was likely he was just worried about her, but she was fed up of everyone treating her like she was glass.

After Edward had stormed out of the canteen, Alice had subtly signalled to Bella that the younger Black sibling had also shifted. Bella hadn't been that surprised considering the strange vibes she had been getting since returning from Italy, but it hurt to know that Edward hadn't told her earlier on when he found out.

She'd immediately texted Jacob that she knew, and that he was to come and pick her back up. Any normal person would have been annoyed at the back and forth, but this was her Jake. He would always drop anything for Bella, and she knew that. Deep down she knew that it was wrong to use him like this whenever she got annoyed at Edward, but a thought in the back of her mind told her that it was okay to love them both.

Before Jacob even had a chance to respond, the front door burst open and barks escaped the boys in front of her as they noticed who was standing on the lawn outside.

"Look who's back!" Embry yelled, a grin on his face as he raised his arms to the sky at the sight of the girl. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't relieved - he was getting fed up of Jake constantly complaining that Bella hadn't spoken to him. 

"Whatup, Bella?"

"Quil, you too?" She asked, shocked at the boys appearance. She hadn't realised that he too had shifted for the first time.

"Yep. Finally made the pack. I'm glad you're here, Bella," he admitted, rolling his eyes as he looked at Embry. "Maybe we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue."

"'I wish Bella would call'."

"I wish Bella wouldn't call."

"Maybe I should call Bella."

"Maybe I should call Bella and hang up."

"Alright, you can shut up now," Jacob told them all as he watched them roughhouse with each other. It was the most relaxed he had seen any of the pack since Kiara's chaotic shifting a few weeks prior and it was nice to see everyone just getting time to relax. Just as Bella went to say something back, she looked to her left and saw a pissed off Leah Clearwater moving towards them.

Jacob tensed a little as the mood dipped at her appearance, knowing that Leah wouldn't be impressed about Bella being there and about Bella now knowing that Kiara was one of the shifters. Leah was having a hard enough time adjusting to losing her father and Kiara imprinting on the same kind as who killed Harry.

"Bella, this is Leah Clearwater. Harry's daughter," Jacob murmured, a little softer as the guys slowed their play fighting a little. It was clear that there was an obvious dislike between Leah and Jacob, which surprised the Swan as she knew that Leah and Kiara were close friends.

"Hey. I'm really sorry about your father."

"If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave," Leah snapped before storming off. The boys all looked around awkwardly for anything to break the ice after her outburst. Bella watched her head off into the woods, a little taken aback at Leah's reaction to her. 

"Fun, isn't she?"

The moment was interrupted by Emily and Sam who had headed outside once they noticed the familiar girl standing on the lawn. Sam shot Jacob a concerned look, aware that something must have happened for Bella to have left school on Kiara's first day back. He wasn't remarkably impressed that Jacob had left Kiara alone at the school but he knew that it was unreasonable to expect Jacob to hang around outside a school he didn't attend all day.

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