x. seasons

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Mid-September seemed to be a turning point for a lot of things in Forks, Washington. Kiara had watched with bated breath as Sam, Paul and Jared had finally emerged from the tree-line three hours into their search for Bella Swan. Emily had driven herself and the girl straight over to the Swan residence upon hearing the news, meeting her father and brother there as Sam, Jared and Paul got to work on hunting down the teenager using their knowledge of the woods. 

"I'll try the Cullen's again," Charlie told them all as he pressed heavily against the keypad of his phone. Kiara nodded in agreement, having been considering phoning Rosalie but knowing that if her father noticed it would be the end of whatever their secret relationship was - not that it really would matter, because the words that fell from her father's lips did that anyway.

"The Cullens left town, Charlie."

Kiara looked up at Jacob, almost feeling like her chest was being crushed in two. He had to be lying, she was with Rosalie just the night before as they'd discussed how sneaking around behind her father's back for the next year would be hard but it was something they were willing to do. Jacob's eyes held a look of knowledge, and Kiara almost felt herself recoil from the boy as she realised that he had already known the Cullen's had packed up and left without any word.

Kiara wasn't mad that Jacob hadn't told her, she was mad that he either didn't want her to know or - on the train of thought that he assumed she already did know - didn't even consider checking on her to see if she was okay. He knew about the secret bond forming between the blonde icy Cullen and his sister. Kiara suddenly felt alone, even though she was surrounded by half the town. Jacob opened his mouth to almost say something to his sister, before crossing his arms and closing it. There was nothing he could say right now that would make anything better for anyone.

"Good riddance," Harry Clearwater replied, sharing a look of agreement with the older elders. Emily rubbed her shoulder, aware that Kiara had been close to Rosalie - but even she agreed with the older men. The vampires were bad news for the tribe, they always had been.

"Where'd they go?" Kiara and Charlie asked at the same time, everyone's eyes flickering between them for a moment before Harry continued with breaking the news. He was aware that Kiara went to school with the Cullens and after hearing Bella Swan's involvement he had shared his concern at one of their own also falling into an entanglement with them.

"Hospital said the Doc got offered a big job elsewhere," Harry replied although it was clear to Emily and Billy that he didn't believe that for one second. "Immediate start. Don't worry, we'll find her Charlie."

Kiara turned away from them all as she walked a little father away from the group. She typed frantically against her phone, her heartbeat loud in her ears as she hammered at the keyboard. Just as she ran a frantic hand through her hair and tried to think about what to even start with, a familiar name popped up in her messages tab.

Rosalie Hale: i'm sorry. i'll explain everything later.

Her fingers paused as they began to type out a reply. It was a mix of anger and sadness and betrayal that the blonde would just ghost her all day and then leave without saying anything. She took a deep breath as she tried to compose herself, knowing that she couldn't break down here without having to suffer through the questions. She couldn't expose herself and Rosalie in front of her dad and his disapproving friends.


Her head snapped up as she finally caught a glimpse of Sam and the boys walking towards them, having gotten so used to seeing them wander around in the cold weather without shirts on that she barely noticed he wasn't wearing one. Bella Swan was wrapped up in his arms, her bright yellow jacket stained with mud and her weary eyes barely focusing on anything as they rejoined the search party.

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