xvi. panic

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Emily and Kim were laughing as they watched the romcom, having decided to have a girls movie night while the boys were at a pack meeting with the elders after the shifting of the Clearwater siblings. Jacob had been told to be on patrol, and the two girls were aware that Kiara Black was avoiding the pack and everyone to do with them after the discovery of vampires.

It was getting late but they still had another hour of their film to go, so neither woman had made any attempt to get up and leave. Besides, the boys wouldn't be finished until much later into the night and they knew that it brought them more comfort knowing that Emily and Kim were together and not in seperate locations when they couldn't be with them. After the attack on Kiara and Harry, things had been more tense on the reservation. It was as if there was a looming cloud above them all to remind them that things were not as bright as they had once seemed.

Despite the ever-growing worry amongst the extended pack, both girls felt at ease during their movie night. It was the peace that they had been craving for weeks, especially after constantly having to tiptoe around Kiara with what they did or didn't say. Therefore, the last thing that either of the girls expected was a banging at the door, accompanied by a familiar voice screaming through the wood. Emily and Kim instantly sprung to their feet, the older woman rushing to open the door and invite the girl in from the thunder and lightning storm that was going on outside.

As soon as she opened the door, Emily felt a chill go up her spine. She had seen Kiara Black in many states but the look on her face was enough to make Emily's blood run cold. Usually the younger girl was happy to see her but it was like she was being controlled by some other force as she barged past Emily into the house in a fit of rage. Her hands were clenched at her side, and water was dripping from her soaked body onto the rugged floor beneath her feet. Her eyes were unfocused, darting between the two girls as she spun on the spot.

"Where are they? Where's Sam?" Kiara snarled, looking around the kitchen as she realised that none of the pack were at their pack house. Emily looked at Kim from behind Kiara, knowing that something was off with the younger girl who was now pacing the house.

"Kiara, pause for a second, what's going on? I thought you were at the Swan household? How did you get here? You're soaked!" Emily exclaimed, reaching out to try and steady the pacing girl. She almost flinched as her hands came into contact with Kiara's forearms, surprised at the level of heat that was radiating off the girl.

"I ran here, I have to speak to Sam," Kiara rambled out, instantly causing Kim to reach into her pocket, pull out her phone and dial Jared's number while Emily tried to calm down Kiara. It had become ridiculously apparent to the two girls what was happening, even if they had all believed that this was an event that was never going to occur. They'd seen the boys - and Leah - all act like this various times throughout the years, but they'd never ever expected to look at Kiara with the familiar pit of dread in their stomachs.

"Kiara, slow down honey," Emily tried to reason but it only seemed to make Kiara angrier. There was a moment before Kiara looked at Emily and froze, seeing the understanding in her eyes. She moved backwards a little as if she had been slammed into as she looked between Kim on the phone and Emily who had her hands raised in the air. "Calm down, and we can talk about it."

"Kim? What's wrong?"

Jared's voice on the phone fell on death ears as Kiara felt her stomach drop as she looked at the guilty look that had spread across Emily's face from the girl's realisation. The woman who she had begun to look at in a motherly figure had been lying to her, along with her brother and her closest friends.

"You knew," Kiara whispered, the betrayal in her voice causing Kim to look up from the phone. Her lip quavered for a second as she raised her voice in a fit of rage. "You fucking knew!"

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