xv. bloodsucker

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Kiara told the boys she'd meet them at Sam's house. She knew that Jacob had just ripped his shoes, and while Sam had plenty of spare shorts and tees for the boys, the shoes were limited. It was why when they phased, a bundle of mismatched shoes would always be spread across the porch and Sam and Emily's - it was just too expensive to keep getting new shoes.

She wasn't sure how Bella would react to the news. Had she known about vampires, and the Cullen's and Bella's knowledge of such things, she'd have immediatley assumed that the Swan would be fine with weird but Kiara didn't know any of that yet.

Explaining what all went down to Billy took her longer than expected, so by the time she had finally arrived at Sam and Emily's, her brother and the two other wolves were just almost arriving too. Had she been a second later, she maybe wouldn't have caught the tail end of a conversation that changed her perspective even more.

"...this chick runs with vampires!"

"You can't really run with vampires... cause they're fast."

"Well, we're faster. Freaked out yet?"

"You're not the first monsters I've met."

Sam breezed past Kiara without even thinking about the conversation that was happening, patting her shoulder as he headed into the house to immediatley greet Emily with kisses.

"Jakes right," Sam replied with a smile on his face as he looked at Bella. "You're good with weird."

There was a long pause for a moment before Jared realised that Kiara was standing in the doorway with wide eyes and an expression on her face that he couldn't really place. He went to open his mouth to say something before Kiara's phone tumbled from her hands, the glass smashing on the floor.

As if a lightbulb had gone off in their heads, all of the wolves turned to look at Kiara in sudden realisation. Even Paul and Jacob had paused on the porch behind her, having been able to hear the conversation with their advanced senses. 

They'd all accidentally broken their biggest unofficial rule: they'd spoken about vampires in front of Kiara.

"Did you just say vampires?"

Bella blinked at Kiara, taken aback by the girls reaction. She had assumed that knowing about wolves would have meant the girl knew about the Cullen's and about what they really were, but the look on her friend's face told her that the boys sitting around the table in front of her had been keeping not just the wolf pack a secret from Bella, but the existence of vampires from Kiara.

Sam went to move towards the girl he had began to view as a little sister, but immediatley stopped as Kiara took a step backwards towards the door she had just entered through. It was so silent that Bella knew they could and would have heard a pin drop - even without supernatural hearing.

"So... that woman that attacked me? She was a fucking VAMPIRE?"

Jacob walked towards his sister, placing a hand on her shoulder but she pushed him off instantly. Paul and Jacob shared a look, knowing that this was less than ideal circumstances for Kiara finding out about what they really had been hunting in the woods.


"NO SAM!" Kiara barked, causing the rest to all look more on edge. They didn't know what she would do, and her short temper had always been a problem for herself. "You're telling me I got attacked by... a vampire, a fucking VAMPIRE like something out of dracula and you're just expecting me to be chill about this?"

"Kiara!" Jacob snapped, moving towards his sister who breezed past him and out of Sam's front door.

"Don't you DARE Kiara me, Jake!" She snapped back, shoving his chest and causing Paul to tell her to calm down before she did something she'd regret. She ignored him as she pushed her brother in the chest once more before turning around and heading in the direction of the dirt path that would lead her home.

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