xxxvi. ambush

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Kiara stood on the outskirts of the elegant wedding reception, her eyes fixed on the dance floor where Alice and Jasper were stealing all of the guests attention as Edward and Bella slipped out for a moment alone. The ambiance was magical, with fairy lights casting a soft, ethereal glow over the garden where the couple had exchanged their vows just hours ago. Kiara's heart swelled with happiness for the newlyweds, her smile genuine as she watched her friends and family soak in the happiness that surrounded them.

Beside her, Rosalie glanced at Kiara and couldn't help but notice the thoughtful expression on her face. She was still almost left breathless every time she looked at the wolf, keeping it in the back of her head that she needed to thank Alice for putting her in that dress. She was truly something special, and Rosalie was so happy to be here with her.

"What's on your mind, Kie?" Rosalie asked, her voice barely above a whisper to avoid disturbing the enchanting atmosphere.

Kiara tore her gaze away from the dance floor and turned to Rosalie. "I was just thinking about Bella and Edward's honeymoon plans," she replied, a hint of strain in her voice. "I mean, they're going to Isle Esme, right? It's supposed to be this remote, beautiful island off the coast of Brazil."

Rosalie nodded, unsure of where Kiara was going with this.

"Is that where Edward is planning to..." she trailed off, almost unable to finish the sentence. She knew what was destined to happen to Bella now that she was married to Edward, but it didn't make it any easier. Sure, she had told them that the wolves wouldn't consider it a breach of the treaty, but the very thought made her skin crawl instinctively. Her wolf was internally cringing at the thought of Edward taking away the last drop of Bella's human life.

Rosalie shook her head, reaching down and squeezing Kiara's hand gently. She turned to fully face her, lifting her hand and tucking a loose piece of hair behind the Black daughter's ear. Kiara leaned into her embrace a little, blocking out the gossip that she could faintly hear Jessica and the rest of her high school friends whispering between each other as they realised the couple was back together.

"No," Rosalie replied, gently as she pressed a soft kiss to her girlfriend's lips. "Not yet."

"You know, Bella always wanted an extraordinary life with Edward, and it looks like she's getting just that," Kiara mused, her eyes flickering to where the couple had just exited from. She wasn't sure what Edward was showing Bella out in the forest, and a part of her wasn't sure she even wanted to know at this point.

Rosalie's fingers gently brushed against Kiara's once more, a tender gesture that spoke volumes. "And you, Kiara," she said softly, "what kind of extraordinary life do you want?"

Kiara's heart skipped a beat at the question. She knew that her relationship with Rosalie was extraordinary in its own right, but there were complexities they had yet to navigate, particularly given the unconventional nature of their family and the world they lived in. Her eyes twinkled as she looked up slightly at Rosalie, a warm smile on her lips as she stared into her golden eyes.

"Any one that involves me, you and forever," Kiara murmured back, pressing her lips against Rosalie's once more.

"You guys are so cute," Beverly giggled, interrupting their moment as she walked over with Emmett's arm wrapped around her waist. Emmett rolled his eyes, a lopsided smirk present as he looked at Rosalie's pissed off face from being interrupted by her sister.

"It's disgusting," Emmett joked, "the cuteness levels."

"Shut up, idiot," Rosalie barked, causing the other three to chuckle at her annoyance towards her brother-in-law.

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