Chapter 71 - Sash

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"Surprise!" Hen, Karen, and Athena shout as Addie walks into Hen and Karen's house. 

"Oh my goodness! What is this?" Addie smiles as she looks around. 

"Your bachelorette party!" Hen says. It has been seven months since Chimney had proposed to Addie and now the wedding was less than a month away. Kevin was now legally a Han, and Athena and Addie had made up. 

"Really?!" Addie looks around. 

"Of course! You didn't think I wasn't going to throw one for you, did you?" Athena asks, since they are partners, Addie asked Athena to be her maid of honor. 

"I guess you're right..." Addie says as she walks over to the center of the room. 

"We had to throw a party for cap's niece." Hen laughs, "And my friend." 

"Thanks, Hen." Addie walks over and gives her a hug. 

"Hey!" Jenny says as she walks out of the kitchen.

"Jenny?! What are you doing here?" Addie runs over to give her a hug as Jamie walks up behind them, "Jamie!"

"Hey, Addie." Jamie laughs as Addie pulls her into the hug. 

"I'm so glad that you both were able to come!" Addie looks at them with a smile on her face.  

"We wouldn't miss it for the world!" Jenny says as she walks over and sits on the couch, "Athena called us a month ago to tell us and we just had to come." 

"You guys are incredible. I can't believe you did all of this for me." Addie sighs as she looks around to everyone in the room. 

"You're one of our best friends, Addie. Of course we did this for you." Karen smiles. 

"Did Howie know about this?" Addie asks. 

"Who do you think is watching your baby?" Hen laughs. 

"Fair enough..." Addie smirks, "This really is amazing of you guys. I really really appreciate it."

"You would go above and beyond if it were one of us, so why would we give you any less?" Athena hugs her. 

"Thanks, Athena." Addie smiles as she pulls out of the hug. 

"You are very welcome, sweet girl." Athena says.  

"Let's get this party started!" Jamie says as she starts playing music off her phone.

"Yes!" Jenny starts dancing around as Hen and Karen head into the kitchen to grab champagne and glasses.

"You guys really didn't have to go through so much trouble for me." Addie blushes as Jenny puts a sash over her shoulders. 

"Oh hush." Athena laughs. 

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