Why do I even try

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As I was saying, Snape took me into his classroom so we could talk, “So Ms.l/n what is it you need to talk to me about so urgently.” He said it so formally, but I just wanted to talk to him and not as a student.

"Severus, I wanted to talk about what has happened between us lately.”

He stared for a minute before letting out a drawn out sigh and began to speak “Listen Y/n I just, I can’t stand you being with him, he has developed a certain attraction to you and I can tell you reciprocate that”. So he really has put this whole scenario in his head.

“Severus listen to me I. love. You, nothing can change that it's just that Remus is nice to me and it’s easy to talk to him. " Unbeknownst to Severus and I, Remus had entered the room in between our conversation and had been listening into our conversation for a little bit.

“Nice to know that I’m easy to talk to Darling”

Alright, life just keeps coming at me doesn’t it dang. “See and then he goes and does this. You're even smiling” I didn’t realize, but I guess I was. “Well it’s not like you’ve been so perfect a lot of the things you said to me yesterday. I know Remus wouldn’t say to me ever”. He got so much more mad at my comment

“And there you go and compare me to him, I know what I said and it doesn't exactly make me fell goo-”. Since he started talking he was walking closer with me backing up ever so often and I guess Remus’s instinct’s went off when he thought Severus got too close to me and he went right in front of me protectively “Back. off. Snivellus” At this point Severus was done he wanted to just have a conversation not a fight “I don't have time for either of you dunder heads so leave….NOW” I practically ran out

 I went behind a corner once again and just slid down and cried. Remus came and sat next to me. I immediately looked to him for comfort and he opened his arms and I just cried into his shoulder “It’s alright darling, It’s alright” I cried into his shoulder a little while longer until I decided to get up. Remus looked at me, and I said thank you and told him to get some sleep.

I went to my dorm and when I got to my bed I noticed that there was a letter on the nightstand near my bed. I decided that I would take a shower and get changed into some pajamas. I went to the bathroom where Moaning Myrtle was since her’s was relaxing when you just kinda told her off, and you needed space. I slipped into the water, and immediately, the heat from the water radiated throughout my body, and I let out a relaxed sigh.

After everything that happened, this is what I needed a hot bath and to just relax and rewind from the events that transpired in just a matter of minutes. Once I felt that the water was not hot enough for my body, I got out. I dried off and brushed out my hair, I got into the pair of pajamas I brought with me they were comfy and good for my situation. I began to walk back to my room and head to my bed. I quickly remembered the letter and got it from my nightstand. I opened it to reveal the name…….

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor Lupin जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें