Just a wierd feeling...

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I watched as that insufferable girl walked out of the classroom giving me that smirk, the class was about to end anyway so I would have some time with Severus since the next class I have has no professor for the day we don’t need to go only do the homework for it. I went back to sit down since most students were done or almost fully done and will most likely not need my help. Severus was just sitting down at his desk waiting for all of the students to give him a sample of their potion. Finally the first student, a dark haired girl went and set her sample on his desk and then many others followed behind her. Everyone packed up and left as soon as the class was over. I stayed in my seat for just a second after everyone left. When I got up Severus was just checking all of the potions and already grading some of them. “You should take a little break and I’ll help you grade them in a little bit.” I suggested since he looked very annoyed still. “Shouldn’t you be heading to class as well Darling?” he asked while he was examining a sample, “Well no not really, so I can stay with you since I know this is your prep period and you have no class.” I smiled at him. He looked up and put the sample he was holding down and got up from his chair. He walked over to me and gave me a hug, I hugged him back and was just intoxicated by his scent. I truly love the way he smells. It makes me feel very comforted and safe. “Alright then Darling what do you want to do then?” I shrugged, not really knowing, just knowing I wanted to hang out with him. “Just want to stay here with you” he laughed, he went to sit down again I frowned, missing his touch already. He raised an eyebrow and smirked then made a come here gesture. I smiled and skipped over to him. “Yeees baby?” I teased knowing he just wanted me to sit on his lap while he read. I saw his eyes frost over and go a slight bit darker which I thought wasn’t possible. “What’d you say?” I smirked knowing the name baby makes him go all x-rated or however you would phrase it. “I said yeees” teasing just a bit more. He smirked and tilted his head, “No you said baby” I gave him a confused look and shook my head. “I don’t remember saying that..baby” he squinted his eyes at me. “Say it again Love, see what happens.” I smiled knowing that I damn well would say it again then run out so he can’t do anything. He grabbed the back of my legs and I sat on his lap admiring him. “So quite all of a sudden.” I smiled again figuring out an escape plan for when I said it. He let go of me and so I bit my lip and got ready to run out. “I’m not that quiet baby” I turned and ran like hell out the door while I heard him try to catch me before I got out his doorway. I turned around when I was down the hall and saw him standing in his doorway. I stood at the end of the hallway for a second before realizing I’m going to have to go back eventually since I left my stuff. I waited until he went back into his classroom to sneak back and try to grab my stuff un-noticed. When I noticed he went back into the classroom I got very careful with my steps so I wouldn’t be heard. I got to his door and tried to sneak past the crack in the door without pushing it open more. I bent down kind of like when you were a kid and pretended to be a ninja. I went to get my stuff that was in the corner of the room, I put my bag over my head so it rested on my shoulder. I thought I was so successful in my mission. That was until I turned around and saw him standing above me with his arms crossed. “Heeey, so weird seeing you here..” I squeaked out. He chuckled and held out his hand for me to take. I took it and he helped me back to my feet. I thought he let the whole me teasing him thing go, so I was all good again. He still hadn’t said a thing though so I was a little suspicious. I went back to his desk and sat on it while he got back to grading. I was having a good time just reading my book and being with him while grading when he spoke up. “You think I am just going to let you get away with teasing me like that Darling?” I slowly looked up from my book, I closed my book generally slow too. “Y’know I was hoping you were going to yeah.” I nodded my head while trying my hardest not to go as red as the Weasly’s hair. He got up from his chair and walked to stand between my legs. “I may, I may not guess it all depends on how long we have until this period ends” I looked around for some clocks quickly, but my face was turned back to Severus. My heart was pounding and my breathing was becoming erratic. I could feel my heart through my chest. I was looking up at him and I could see every feature of his face. I was admiring him, he was so close and I couldn’t help but be most attracted to his lips and eyes in the moment. “Stop that.” I looked at Severus confused, didn’t know what I did.

Severus Snape POV

She looked around for a clock quickly, but I turned her so she was once again looking at me. As soon as I did I could hear her breathing get erratic and I could tell she was getting very flustered. She began looking at me with these doe eyes. She kept looking at my eyes and my lips. She was biting her own lip while tilting her head and with everything she was doing I was thinking some very very erotic thoughts about her. Class was about to end and I couldn’t do anything. “Stop that.” that made her look at me confused.


“I’m sorry it’s just the way you were looking at me and how your eyes looked, class is about to end and I know you need to leave.” I smiled. I nodded so that he knew I understood what he said. I couldn’t stop smiling and I knew by now I really was as red as the Weasley’s hair I didn’t really care though. He put his finger under my chin and had me look up at him and I just smiled more. He gave me a kiss and picked me up off of his desk “Time to get your stuff and start going My Love”. I quickly grabbed all of my stuff and put all my books back in my bag. I closed my bag up and went to give Sev another kiss. I grabbed his robe and got on my tippy toes and gave him a quick sweet kiss. “Thank you for letting me stay with you, see you later Mi Amor” I then walked back out of his classroom very happy with how my day has gone so far. That was until I saw that one Richard's girl skipping her way down to the dungeon. She looked way too happy, I did not like it. I just got a weird feeling from her, felt like something bad was going to happen anytime I thought about her or saw her. She is just a fourth year and Severus loves me so I know nothing can happen, I fully trust Sev, but that’s not the problem. It’s not him I don’t trust it’s her.

Published Sat, Feb 12, 2022
Chapter 17:Unedited
1363 words

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor Lupin Where stories live. Discover now