Logic Left Behind

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A simple knock on a wooden door could make life take a turn of, well, in short, fuckery.

Ron walked into the classroom with the most bewildered look I’ve ever seen on his face. Even worse than the day that we had to go and follow spiders with Harry. “You’ve been seeing a guy and haven’t even told me and then you don’t even tell me when he breaks your heart. OH and not to mention telling our professor instead of me. That hurts Y/N. That really hurts. I thought we didn’t hide anything from one another.” Fuck. Of fucking course my apology sleep-over has turned into Ron hating me even more because I’m hiding things from him. 

I’m getting myself deeper and deeper into this hole I have already dug. At this point the shovel is my best friend because I’m digging this hole so deep the sun can’t even be seen from it. I looked back at Remus silently telling him I had to deal with this. I would most likely be back, but for now Ron was my priority. I walked up to Ron who quite honestly looked as though he was about to cry,

“Ron, come take a walk with me please.”

He reluctantly agreed. It was time to come clean. About everything. Plus maybe he could help. This is Ron, there is no way he would hate me.

We began our walk and for a moment it stayed quiet. Then I sighed getting ready to tell him everything and for any judgment he may have for me. “Ron, I know you feel that I've betrayed you in a way. I also understand that as you have every reason to feel like that. Just know that I didn’t keep this from you out of spite or ignoring you in anyway. Rather because i was scared how you may react. I will begin with the fact that, I’m in love with Severus Snape and he is the one who broke my heart. He is still in love with Harry’s mom Lily. As well as I think I like Lupin. I’m sorry I kept this from you, but this is also why I was away so often. I’m sorry for everything just please don’t hate me or be disgusted of me. You are my best friend and I wanted to tell you everything from the beginning, but I didn’t want to lose you.” I ended my rant and got ready for anything he may bring to the table.

For a while he only stayed still not doing anything. No clues of what he may have been thinking or what he may do. What if he went off and told everyone. Or never spoke to me again. 

“That is a lot to take in. Especially all at once. But thank you for telling me. ALthough I wish you told me sooner. Although I don’t understand or even really want you to explain, I’m glad you trust me enough to tell me. I understand why you didn’t tell me now, but know you could never lose me. I’m here for you, through anything you want to try and throw at me.”

I smiled relieved that I got so much off my chest. I didn’t feel the need to hide from him or be careful of my wording around him. 

“So does Snape actually wash his hair or is it really greasy?” We both laughed until we were holding our stomachs from pain. I’m glad that telling him didn’t change how he acted around me. Everything felt normal. Just like it did before Remus found us. Thank Merlin.

“Talking about Snape's hair, the twins and I may have put a color changer in his shampoo that may or not change his hair every few hours for a while. He will be so mad, but it was so worth it, especially because I’m mad at him.” I told him about the prank. He looked at me shocked and began to laugh. We walked all the way back around to the DADA classroom. I took a deep breath and let it out. 

“We can’t really go back to the hideout, since Lupin knows now, but tomorrow we can study and work on some homework you are absolutely behind on.” The edges of his mouth perked up and I gave him a hug. He waved goodbye as I made my way back inside the classroom. I feel that there is still more that we need to discuss.

“Remus? Hello?” I closed the door behind me to the rather dark room. His classroom was somehow creepy in the dark. Or maybe I just didn’t like the dark. That’s probably a more probable reason. I walked to the staircase while looking up. After deciding he was most likely now in his private quarters I turned around only to have the shit scared out of me. Remus was standing a few mere inches from me. 

“Shit Remus! You fucking scared me!” I was holding a hand over my heart in a way to try to comfort myself. He just stood there. Just stood there looking.


I felt pressure on my waist, looking down it was none other than his hand. His other hand was then put under my chin forcing me to look back up. His eyes looked different. They didn’t feel as warm, rather they felt lustful and possessive. As if he were an animal whose mate was in heat. “I can’t stop thinking of you, how it felt to have you pressed against me, how I felt touching you in any way I wished. I need to feel that again, I don’t care about the consequences. Not Anymore.”

His voice had dropped significantly and his grip on my waist had gotten tighter. I unconsciously moved forward to be closer to him. My hands rested on his chest. My breathing fastened and any logic I had walking through those doors now gone back out those doors. 

He slowly closed the space that seemed much too big now. 

The space finally closed as he captured my lips with his. It started slow and gradually began to get more heated. He picked me up and without pulling away from me he sat me on his desk. He positioned himself between my legs gripping my thighs. He pulled away only to attach himself to my neck looking for my soft spot while leaving marks in the spots that didn’t satisfy him. Then he found the spot he was looking for, making me let out a disheveled moan. His hands began to wander up farther, discovering every part of my legs and lower body except the part I needed him at.

He knew what he was doing. He was doing it on purpose. I decided to tease right back, palming him through his pants. He pulled away. “Tsk, tsk, tsk stupid girl. Bad decision.” He very forcefully pushed me on the desk kissing down my body.

Before we could get any farther than unbuttoning clothing he seemed to realise what was really going on and stepped away.

Oh am I excited for the conversation that will follow this. Fuck me.

Words: 1203
Published: Thu, Mar 16th

Ron being at the door was hopefully a twist for you. Love you all, also sorry for the tease byeeeeee
-Your Author

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor Lupin Where stories live. Discover now