No. Fucking. Way.

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Y/n Pov
Me and Adrian went to the library to try and get some studying in. I helped Adrian with an essay that Flitwick assigned about a disillusionment charm. I had done the same essay in my 5th year.

He had to explain the history and how it was created in the first place. He also needed to explain the wand movement and its effect as well as who would need to use this for their job.

He couldn't really figure anything out. He was not the best at charms except for a shrinking charm.

So I had to practically do it for him, but I taught him along the way.

I explained that it was initially used to conceal Hippogriffs from Muggles and for a sort of invisibility cloak, but not really since the charm wore off.

I also told him that there were 2 official ways to cast the charm. First, was using it on yourself, which needed you to whirl their wand around themselves like an invisible rope.

Second, they could tap the wand on their opponent or the person they are using it on, giving the person a feeling of an egg cracking down on them.

The rest I made him read and write down since I found the books and chapters he needed. I wasn't about to do ALL the work.

While we were looking for the first person to ever cast the charm, we found something very interesting. We found out something about Hogwarts, not even Dumbledore may know.

We found a secret passage. It looked as though the map had not originally been in the book. Rather, it looked like it had been drawn in. I'm surprised no one had found this.

Me and Adrian tore out the page. Despite his protests not to. We put back the books we had attacked on a desk and made our way to the beginning of the map. It started between two stone statues.

There were prominent scratches on the side of the statues almost out of view. We had to pull down the hand of the left one 3 times 4 times in a row and the right one 7 times up 3 times in a row.

We had to be careful doing this because we didn't want whatever would happen to happen in front of anyone else. But when we finished the sequence, a small portion of the cement they had been stationed on opened.

"This is kind of sketchy, so what's your plan?" Adrian was the first to speak up since we had gotten to the statues.

"My plan was to follow your plan." He rolled his eyes and sighed, and we made our descent into the secret passageway.

We were hearing all sorts of weird sketch noises.

"I don't wanna say I told you so, but I told you so." I shoved Adrian while trying to follow this map. From what I could tell, these corridors were dug by hand.

It looked jagged and uneven. Almost like the person had not even used a shovel. Soon, we came to a fork. There were 3 ways we could go.

The map got confusing at this point. There wasn't a clear path to which one was right.

"This is ridiculous. Just watch. Aparecium" Adrian had gotten out his wand, and new markings showed up on the paper.

"At least you're smart." I teased

"Hey! What does that mean?!" He shot back

"You know the question, pretty or smart, yeah." I continued to walk past him to the left most path, which was now shown to be the right option.

"Rude." I laughed and slowed down so he could catch up, I pushed the map so that it would be in the view of Adrian.

I pointed to the fact that we have one more obstacle, and then we would be to the spot we had been looking for.

This journey may sound short, but we had been walking for close to 40 minutes.

The next obstacle proved difficult to solve. "Are we sure we don't wanna just go back?" I looked back at Adrian offended.

"We walk 40 minutes, and your dumb ass wants to go back? Come help me." He called me a fucktard and moved to help me. We had to somehow move a bolder that was on a sort of button you could call it.

From what I could tell it would open the door behind it and we would be in the secret room or whatever it was.

We both walked around it trying to find the best possible angle to move it.

"Hey Y/N, we are dumb as hell. We go to a magic school and assume that we have to move this Boulder with out bare hands? Try to think of a spell to help us." We are so fucking stupid.

Of course this would need a spell, how do we do anything?

Then I remembered my first year here. Wingardium Leviosa. Of course.

I pointed my wand at the boulder and concentrated. I was trying to remember was to move my wand while saying the incantation in my head.

It moved.

It moved?

I didn't say anything. Nothing. This was to be discussed later. Me and Adrian cheered and went through the door that had finally moved for us to walk through.

We walked through the door and we both looked at eachother jaws wide open. No. Fucking. Way.

Words: 915


Published: Sun, Apr 9th

Hey, you guys, I missed you all this week. I've been on a camping trip with my family, but happy Easter or happy Sunday if you don't celebrate! Shout out to Kayla. Go check out their book Cruel Love, I like it, I hope you all will! I can't wait for the next few chapters. I have a lot planned!
- Love your author, Alex

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