Boyfriend or Friend

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I opened it to reveal the name Severus Snape. I just saw him, though there is no way he wrote and sent it that fast. Although it is Snape and that man is capable of the impossible for all we know. Besides that, I began to read.

Dear y/n, I know that I have done so many things wrong at this point. I wouldn't even forgive myself. I have said so many things that I should not have, and I understand how those words may have made you feel. I also know that you and Lupin may only have a friendship, but he is just so different from me, and he can talk to you about things I may not be able to in the same ways. Darling, I do love you so much and if you have time I would like for you to come down to my classroom again and I promise to not yell at you and we will only have a conversation. There are some things I would like to talk to you about.

I thought about it, and a lot of the things in that letter made me want to forgive him right away, but I didn't. We have some things we need to talk about in person. So I decided to go to his classroom to see if we could even try to work this out. I walked down to his classroom and knocked on his wooden door. I waited for him to say enter, then opened the door and walked into a tense and awkward moment. We both stood there for a while, he spoke first “Darling I know I have done many unacceptable things and I have said many unacceptable things, but my love I just got so clouded when I saw you with HIM, I know I should not be forgiven. Darling, I am truly sorry.” I looked up after I realized he was done speaking, and I saw so much emotion compared to his normal heroic, emotionless look.

I knew he was sorry I did, but that doesn't change that what he had said hurt me... bad. “Severus I know you’re sorry, but honestly, what you said hurt me deeply, and I can’t just forget you said them. I know you want us to go back to that night when we talked all night, and I do too. I truly do, but I just can’t right now. I have so many mixed emotions toward you. So please can we just be well friends….only just for now of course”. I added that last part because I could see the panic spark through him as I said that. He told me he understood and that he was sorry and that he could try to be only friends with me.

Only for now, of course. So I went back to my dorm feeling good for the first time in a while about how I left things with Severus. I got in bed and fell asleep immediately. I woke up early and got ready. I had D.A.D.A. today, and I wanted to get there early to talk to Remus. I wasn’t hungry, so I went to his classroom. Hopefully, he wasn’t at breakfast today either. I knocked and thank Merlin, he was there and let me in.
Remus immediately smiled at me and said “Oh hello it’s nice to see you so early” it was nice to see him too. Wait no Y/n we are with Sev...wait no we’re not, ha, I forgot.

“It’s lovely to see you as well Remus” he asked me what it is that I came so early in the morning for. I told him I just wanted to talk. We sat on his couch, and he made us some tea. “So me and Severus made up last night, but we decided to be just friends for now because I am still deeply hurt by the things he said to me and about me” Remus seemed saddened by my first remark, but perked up when I said me and Severus we’re just friends. He told me that was amazing, and he was horrified by the things Severus said as well. We continued to talk for a while before students came in, so I went and sat at my seat. Today was going to be a good day. I could tell.

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor Lupin Where stories live. Discover now