The Tiny Details

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It’s not him I don’t trust it’s her.

I honestly decided to just try and get her off my mind, I assumed Remus is probably still in his classroom. Well I more hoped than assumed. As I walked down the corridor I took in the scenery making my walk a bit slower than it usually would be. While looking at all the beauty around when walking I realized I don’t ever just sit outside, I used to during my first year I would sit by the black lake and I would write or read. I would go with Ron sometimes not all the time but he would come when he wanted to. Soon enough I got to the DADA classroom. I noticed the door was closed and it usually wasn’t so I wasn’t so sure he was in there anymore. I still knocked since he was possibly in there. The door opened not even a second after I knocked. I noticed Remus standing by his blackboard with his wand raised so he could open the door from where he was. “Hello Remus, I was bored so was wondering if I could hang out here for a while?” he smiled and greeted me. “Of course you can Y/N I can even get us some tea.” I nodded my head.

Remus POV

I was erasing the chalk off of my black board when I heard a knock on my door. I uttered a charm opening the door so I could continue what I was doing. Once opened Y/N walked in. “Hello Remus, I was bored so was wondering if I could hang out here for a while?” they didn’t even need to ask, I seem to quite enjoy their company. “Of course Y/N I can even get us some tea.” I offered and they instantly nodded their head so I walked back to my office where I got our tea. I brought it back out and they were drawing on the board. I walked past them and set down the tea and sugar on the table near the back of my class where I had set up an area for students to just relax if needed. I walked back over and leaned on one of the desks, crossing one leg over and crossing my arms. I could tell they were drawing what seemed to be a, mushroom person? I’m not quite sure, but it looked good. “You never told me you were an artist.” they turned startled by my sudden appearance behind them. “Didn’t mean to scare you sorry.” they shook their head and said it was okay. “Thank you, drawing has always been something I enjoy” I smiled. It was nice learning things about them. They seemed like such an intriguing person so learning about them was nice. “Tea is ready if you would like” they put the chalk down and wiped off their hands on their cloak. As they walked to the table and coaches I noticed how they were slightly slower than usual and slouched more than they would when happy. Once we sat down and got situated with our tea I started conversation. “I don’t mean this in a bad way, but you seem like you are in a bad mood today, are you okay?” I really wanted to know. It seems weird to me, but I have grown to like them quite a lot.


Remus asked me if I was okay and like I am, but I’m also not. I don’t know how to explain it and definitely not to him. I felt guilty even being with Remus, I knew I wasn’t doing anything wrong, but something in my head was telling me I was. “Yeah I’m okay I guess I’m just really tired, I just feel so overwhelmed.” I didn’t really have much to do for school, but I was still overwhelmed with everything. I know that I feel happy with Sev, but now there's hiding it and just because I graduate doesn't mean I won’t have to somehow break it to everyone else I love and everyone finding out about when we got together. There is the possibility of him finding someone his age, more mature and experienced. He looked at me with so much sympathy. I honestly wanted to break down and just cry about it. I know they seem small and stupid, but I still am a teenager and every convenience in my life makes me want to cry. So compared to other small things I would cry about those seem big. “You know I am a professor still not just a friend, I can help you Y/N” he offered help. I smiled at his willingness to help me. “Thank you Remus, it’s more just stupid teenager things though” he nodded his head in understanding. I blew on my tea before taking a sip and realizing it needed more sugar. I picked up another sugar cube and plopped it into my tea. I could feel tears lining the waterline of my eyes. When I looked up again Remus looked to be examining my face. “Do you need a hug? I don’t mean for that to sound weird it just seems like you could benefit from one” I thought for a second. I already feel guilty just being here and I did need a hug so why not. I nodded my head. He got up from his spot on the couch across from me. I stood up as well and he opened his arms so I walked into them. I couldn’t even try to lie, his hugs were amazing. He smelt so nice and he was warm and his cloak kind of wrapped around me making it even warmer. It was also nice because he refused to let go first, letting me take my time. After a minute I let go and thanked him, I told him I really needed that today.

Remus POV

After they told me that they were overwhelmed I tried to come up with things that could help them. I brought up that I can always help, I am a professor after all. I might not be a great help in all subjects, but I can still try to help. They told me it was less school issues and more teenager problems so I just nodded my head, I wasn’t sure what I could do to help with that. While looking at them I noticed how their lips make a little heart when they blow on their tea. I also noticed how they scrunch their nose and pucker their lips if their tea is too bitter for them. As well as putting their tea down to put sugar in it instead of just keeping it in their hand. As I was ‘observing’ I noticed that they had tears in their eyes. When they looked up I could tell that they were going to cry. “Do you need a hug? I don’t mean to sound weird, it just seems like you could benefit from one” I suggested. James and Sirius used to tell me they enjoyed my hugs and it made them feel better. I kind of needed a hug too, being back in the castle has reminded me that they are all gone. It reminded me of the betrayal, and the hurt, and the good memories that have been painted with bitter and sorrowful emotions. So when they nodded their head I was happy. I got up and watched as they stood from their spot as well. I opened my arms and they walked into them. They wrapped their arms around me and I could feel their breaths become calmer and somehow softer. It felt so comforting hugging someone, I didn’t want to let go, so I allowed them to decide when it was time to let go. After a minute or two they let go giving me thanks. They told me how much they needed it and I stood and listened, I could tell that they didn’t really want to talk. So once they thanked me I silently nodded my head and sat down.


I felt much better after the hug and much more relaxed. We sat in silence for another few minutes before we sparked conversation about reading and what our hobbies are. I was enjoying our time so much that I hadn’t realized how much time passed. It was almost time for dinner, which was at 7:35. “I hate to end this conversation but dinner is about to start” I made Remus aware of the time. “Oh dear it seems it is, I hope you feel better than when you came in, have a nice night.” I thanked him once again and told him to have a nice night as well. Walking out of his classroom I felt much better than when I had entered and made my way to the great hall.

Published Tue, Jun 14, 2022
Chapter 17: Unedited
1497 Words

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor Lupin Where stories live. Discover now