Chapter XXIV

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Bewildered at her friend's sudden departure, Saanvi stared dumbfoundedly at the way Anamika left, until she disappeared from her sight.

And she was certain that everyone else was as clueless as her. Coming out of her stupor, Saanvi rushed after her. All the while wondering what had she seen to fled like this?

'What made her so disturbed?'

It seemed as if Rudra was the only one who realized the grave consequences of all this. Truth be told, he was dreading how the events will unfold in the upcoming future.

Anamika had seen something, no girl would ever want to witness. She had seen Eklavya alone with another girl. Getting proposed to.

'Damn! It's all his fault. He should've never agreed to it in the first place.' He rebuked himself. 'But what now?'

Well, to begin with, it was all Rahul's fault. He's the one who planned it all along with that girl. Anushka, their classmate.

The girls must've egged Rahul to no end for him to plan his own demise. By the hands of none other than Eklavya Singh Shekhawat. Of course!

The boys had many times helped various girls in confessing their feelings to their Captain. And most of the time Eklavya had mercilessly broken the girls' hearts along with a few bones and ribs of the boys.

But it was different this time, Rudra didn't know how his brother would react once he finds out that Anamika had come here. And seen him.

There was no telling with Eklavya.

"I feel like I've done something horrible," Rahul muttered under his breath; his face turned ashen when he saw Rudra nodding his head at him sombrely. He had somehow deduced the gravity of the situation.

Pulling at his black-brown hair, he spoke fearfully, "Captain is going to kill me."

"More like he's going to give your bones to the dogs. If left any." Rudra started ominously.

"What are you two blabbering about?" Parth asked cluelessly.

"Nothing just talking about the doomsday," Rudra replied sombrely as he leaned against the wall of the corridor.

"What doomsday?" Daksh frowned, "Your brother is probably going to get a girlfriend and your spouting trash!" he exclaimed incredulously.

"Yeah! he's finally going to get a life." Saksham beamed as he bumped fists with Daksh.

"I don't think so." Sumit piqued lazily. "I bet that she's going to get turned down too." He said wisely, probably from experience.

"I'm with Sumit on this. Come on! Eklavya is way too heartless when it comes to all this. I bet he's probably thinking various ways to torture us all." Daksh supported him as he chewed his mint-flavored bubble gum.

"Pessimists." Parth sneered and shooed them away as people do to stray dogs.

"Well, it's better than getting your hopes up when you already know they're going down the drain." Sumit mouthed smartly ignoring his teammate's childish antics.

"Put all that aside." Yash piqued in between, raising a finger, "But why did that girl leave so abruptly?"

"What are you saying Yash? Poor girl must be so embarrassed to intrude something like this." Saksham shrugged it off like it was no big deal.

"Hopefully," Rahul whispered more like praying. If only he knew that the consequences would be so dire. He'd have never agreed to that Anushka's plea.

Well, he owed it to her for making his complicated diagrams and charts this summer. Of course! He'd felt a little doubtful when she was so eager to make them but had shrugged it off nonchalantly.

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