Chapter X

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She was laying on her stomach, on her bed, fiddling with the phone in her hand. Altering between the options whether it would be right to call him or not.

But she was dying to hear his deep yet velvety voice. Oh god! it had been almost like a week since she last heard from him. Although she knew he was too egoistic to call her first she knew he was also dying to hear from her.

He would never accept this fact though.

Finally, she dialled his number, it rang just for a single time before he picked up, "Have you talked to your parents yet?" that was the first question she fired at him.

His deep, heart-warming chuckle resonated in her ears like the sweetest of melody. Her heart fluttered as red hue rushed to her cheeks painting them beautifully.

"Seriously that's the first question you asked? Not even asking, how am I?" The male said from the other side in his usual deep voice.

Biting her lips at his comment she mulled, "How are you?"

"Oh! I'm just fine. You." He replied.

"I'm fine too. Well forget that when are you coming here?" Sitting up straight on her bed, she asked hopefully.

But when no reply came from his side, dreadful scenarios started rearing their ugly heads in her mind. "Please tell me what did your parents said. I'm literally going to die from anticipation."

After a long pause he replied, "They agreed."

She sighed in relief before the words sank in clearly in her mind, "WHAT???" she shouted but quickly lowered her voice not wanting any of her family members to hear that.

"They – they really agreed. Your parents agreed. Please! tell me you're not jesting with me? I'm not hearing things right."

"Calm down meri shatabdi express I'm not jesting and you're not hearing things." He assured her in his natural deep yet soothing voice.

After the moment of exhilaration passed, she mulled, "Now what?"

"Simple you talk to your parents." He stated and she knew she couldn't keep this crucial talk with her parents on bay for forever.


Anamika groaned as she massaged her aching foots. Some may call her masochist but she loved the aching in her feet after her practise. It always reminded her that she had done something of her own choice.

Kathak never failed to make her feel alive, the elation it gave her was enough to make her reach for the sky. And she couldn't thank Lord Shiva for more than that.

Varanasi, previously known as Banaras or by its ancient name Kashi is famous for its rich culture. It is a beautiful city with numerous temples in it. But one temple it is known all over the world for is Kashi Vishwanath temple.

The city is said to be resting on the tip of Lord Shiva's trident.

She really misses the streets to Varanasi. More than that she misses the delicious variety of food that it offered. But no matter how much you get attached to a place, home is always where your family is. And in her case Dehradun has always been that for her.

Wrapping up her things she exited the premises of her dance classes and mounting off on her bicycle she rode off in the direction of her home.

Well Saanvi hadn't come today. Which was surprising as she's never the one who misses out on her dance classes. Anamika mulled she might have fallen ill or something.

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