Chapter XXXII

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"You're evil. I'm angry with you and I'm not talking to you, so goodbye!" Anamika cut the call and huffed in frustration.

She didn't have to wait for long when her phone started trilling again. Anamika tried to ignore its cacophonous tone for a few moments, before caving in yet again.

"Don't you understand words, I'm ang –

"Angry with me and not talking to me." Eklavya interjected and completed for her, "I know."

"Oh! You know, that's great! Then why are you so hell-bent on irritating me right now!" she shot at him, vehemently.

"Because that's what I do in my free time." Eklavya did a great job in adding fuel to the blazing fire.

"Stop calling me!" she said through gritted teeth.

"Then stop picking up every damn time." He riposted sharply. Frankly speaking, he was a great time being amused. "And for your information, it's my phone. I can do whatever the hell I want to do with it."

"Fine then, I'll do the honors of endin –

"I dare you to hang up this time," Eklavya said in a domineering tone, holding her his captive.


"No buts." Eklavya brushed her off, "Stop acting childish and listen to me."

Anamika gaped at his audacity. 'Look at that, the pot calling the kettle black. Superb!'

He had some gall continuously calling her up after the stunt he had pulled in the evening. Apparently, her maa had ringed Advay up, asking him to drop Anamika home.

And as Eklavya was gearing up to drive back home, Advay gave him the golden opportunity to pick his girl up and drop her home. And he was more than ready to oblige.

But just to attain some sort of sick satisfaction, he didn't tell her about Radha requesting Advay to drop her back home. And dropped her in front of her very house, just so he could watch her turn pale in outright fear.

"Can't help it, you know! Practically speaking I'm still a child." Anamika jabbed at him sardonically.

"Thanks for reminding me yet again, that I'm stuck with a childish brat." Eklavya smoothly returned the favor back.

"Hey! Whom are you calling a brat?" Anamika shot at him, taking offense. "At least I don't put people through near-death experiences."

"Who else am I talking to? Of course! It's you!" Eklavya said, keeping his voice neutral and not giving in to his laughter. "And you're practically calling your grandma the grim reaper."

"Trust me, she's not less than a grim reaper when you get on her bad side," Anamika grumbled.

"I can now understand why your grandpa is afraid of her." Eklavya deduced, making her squint her brown eyes.

"My grandpa is not afraid of her. They actually have a very healthy and loving relationship." Anamika bit back at him in annoyance.

"Same thing." He spoke nonchalantly, further riling her up.

'God! How he loved pushing her buttons.'

"You do this on purpose, don't you?" Anamika suddenly asked voice laced with suspicion.

"Of course! I've so much time that I invest it only in forming devious plans, just so I can annoy you. Oh! Come on." Eklavya shamelessly scoffed, lying through his teeth.

"I don't know why but I kind of find it hard to believe." Anamika riposted sardonically. By now she was well acquainted with him to know him like the back of her hand.

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