𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 22

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"Oh, it's raining after all."

The blowing droplets splattered onto the flat surface of the clear windows and soon came pouring down heavily.

Darks clouds were hovering above the school. A student turned on the classroom lights to make it easier to study.

Akaashi lightly hit your head with a book when you started spacing out.

"[surname], have you done section three?"

"Oh, yeah," you grabbed your book from under the table and passed it to him, "You haven't finished it yet?"

"I want to crosscheck my answer with yours because I'm feeling doubtful."

"Go ahead while the teacher's not here yet."

Twenty minutes had passed since the start of the final lesson and the teacher had not yet arrived.

Some of your classmates even seized the opportunity to slip away into the cafeteria or hang around in the hallway.

"Isn't this answer suppose—"

"Yoo. Agaashi, [name]."

Bokuto let himself into the classroom, waving to the both of you without his usual loud energy.

"Bokuto-san, what are you doing here? You should be in your class."

"Well, I'm bored. The teachers are having a meeting so we're free until the last bell."

"Oh... That's why the students next door were hanging out in here."

You mentioned some of the boys you knew who was in another class.

Bokuto straddled on an empty chair.

"Hey, wanna come to the arcade after school? Man, I'm so bored at home, there's nothing to do."

"Perhaps you should start doing your homework, Bokuto-san," Akaashi crossed his arms.

Bokuto tittered, nervously averting his eyes from Akaashi's cold glares.

"I will, I promise. If we go to the arcade today, I won't bother you again in the middle of the night for help."

He clasped his hand together in a praying pose, still did not dare to look Akaashi in the eyes.

The setter cocked an eyebrow as he processed the captain's request.

You nudged Akaashi's waist, "I think it will be fun."

Bokuto looked up as his hopes went soaring high.

"See, even [name] approved of my idea. If you're not going, then I guess it's a date between me and [name]."

"Arcade date!" You stood up, raising your hands at Bokuto.

"Arcade date!" Bokuto clapped your hands merrily.

Akaashi extended his arm between you and Bokuto and put your hands down so you stopped rejoicing together.

"Yeah... let's not do that. You will accidentally leave her in the arcade alone, Bokuto-san."

"You really think I have the attention span of a goldfish, huh?"

Akaashi shrugged.

"Since we're going, I guess I could invite the others to come too. See you guys later at the school gate?"

Bokuto raised a peace sign then returned to his class.

Around thirty minutes later, the school bell chimed in the speaker, indicating the end of the school hour just as the rain ceased the drizzling completely.

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