𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 23

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Akaashi visited the café that day, just like he promised hours ago. He snuck away from his family gathering because it's better to see you in a maid dress rather than getting himself sick from the stench of alcohol.

So there he was, sitting at a table, watching you wandered around to get the orders done, and just enjoying the mood even though he had high awareness of a certain pudding head at the other table.

You strode to Akaashi's table with a tray in hand. Serving him his order while looking at Nekoma's setter, fixated on his game.

"So, do you two like... agreed to come here together or...?"

"No. I thought only Bokuto-san and I know about your part-time work."

"I knew about it by accident on the internet," Kenma spoke along answering your question.

Without looking away, he took a bite of the petite fours with a small fork and resumed clicking the buttons on his game.

"I thought you don't like maid cafe, Kenma," you approached his table.

"Not really. I'm only here for the wifi. The place I used to hang is closed today and I needed somewhere to hide from Kuroo."

"What's wrong with Kuroo-san?"

Kenma heaved a heavy sigh, finally putting down his PSP to look at you.

"He keeps dragging me to play volleyball. I want to have some alone time with my games. It's Saturday."

He sat back, stretching his hands. He had a quick scan of your attire while he was relaxing. After that, he brought his game up to his eye view, ready to play again.

"Cute. Is Akaashi okay seeing you dress like that for everyone?"

"W-what does Akaashi have to do with this?"

"I don't know. I thought you two are like..."

"I'm fine with it," Akaashi took a spoonful of his omurice and ate it.

He dabbed the corner of his mouth with a napkin before speaking again, "She can wear whatever she likes. Well you know in this case it's obligated for her."

Kenma merely shrugged and continued his game without another response.

"Well, if you need anything don't hesitate to call, Master."

You bowed at Kenma then retreated to your station.

Kenma was idly sipping from his straw when he watched you disappear to the backroom.

He had just finished his dessert and wanted to order more food, but since you were gone until who knows how long, he beckoned for Subaru and ordered a few meals from the menu.

Subaru then wrote it down in her notebook and walked off to pass his order to the kitchen.

Kenma paused his game and peered at the table beside him, where Akaashi was seated.

Akaashi was picking up his dropped napkins and caught Kenma looking at him blankly. Akaashi raised his eyebrows in a way of saying 'what's up?'

"You go here often?" Kenma asked.

"Not as much, but it's fun to see her around."

"You two are together, right?"

Akaashi suddenly choked on thin air while Kenma had another sip of his drink.


Kenma gave a flat, "Oh," and shifted his attention to Subaru who was walking with his food on her tray.

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