𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 12

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"So yeah, the wedding will be in two months. With enough cash combined from the five of us, we could rent that nice little gazebo at the park. Lots of flowers here and there, a fine silk blouse for the male. I think I'm going to get him a pair of earrings too-"

"Your description reminds me of a Ghibli character," Komi put a finger on his chin.

"That's what I'm aiming for, Komi!"

Konoha fervently pumped his fist with his best mate.

The third years were hanging out in the dining room, where they had been planning your future with the second-year setter ever since they saw you slept together.

For once, they were able to wake up so early at seven in the morning just to fantasize a romance story between you two.

"Oooh, garden parties! We could play volleyball as well!" Bokuto raised his hand.

Komi dabbed a tissue under his eye, "Our juniors are growing so fast."

Having consciousness about the unabated wedding conversation, Akaashi had cornered himself in the kitchen, drinking morning tea with Washio and letting them exhaust themselves.

Meanwhile, you were still up in Bokuto's room, being the last person to come out.

You stuffed Bokuto's hoodie and short into a laundry bag and brought them with you for you to wash at home. You climbed down the stairs at a hasty pace, aiming to get to the front door to avoid another ridicule by Konoha.

Unfortunately, you couldn't get away from them because Bokuto had already called you once he saw you in the hallway.

"[name], where are you going?"

You turned around in an awkward giggle, emanating the same energy when you're caught snooping around.

"I have an appointment at ten. I'll be back in the afternoon, though. Also, I'm taking your hoodie for me to wash, Bokuto-san."

"That's not necessary but I'm not stopping you. Don't you want some breakfast first?"


You surveyed the room.

Sarukui and Komi were sitting on the bar stools while Konoha stood next to them.

You found Akaashi in the kitchen, staring passively at you behind his mug with disheveled hair and rolled sleeves. Seeing his thin fingers recollected a sense of touch you remembered this morning.

You woke up in his chest, feeling the faint stroke on your hair and hearing a soft hum of a lullaby in the air.

"I think I'll skip."

"Are you sure? You wouldn't want to make the groom have breakfast all by himself, would you?" Konoha teased, covering his mouth to hide the obvious grin.

Akaashi chuckled lightly from the kitchen, catching everyone's attention.

There was silence. Everyone waited for the stoic prince to speak as he put his mug down.

"Don't you want to have breakfast with me, darling?"


"Agaashiii you're such a loving future husband," Bokuto cried on his sleeve.

Your hand flew to your face in real speed.

"Not you too, Akaashi."

He smiled apologetically, enjoying the reaction he expected, "Sorry."

"Komi, venue, now! Saru, catering! Washio... security, my man."

"Mee, what about meee?" Bokuto relentlessly pointed at himself, afraid to get left out.

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