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The dark night had creatures lurking in the shadows.
Howls and roars filled the silent night. Cries of pain emerged from the forest of the dead, the strong odour of filthy iron blood drafting from behind the Raksha tree, a typical dark tree which was the abode of newly born dead demons. Amidst this pitch black darkness there was a string of red magic energy flickering brightly from time to time, sometimes it flickered in the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes at the centre and sometimes far away and each time it flicked groan and hoarse hissing sounds came from the deep darkness.


The demons residing in the Raksha tree were being wiped out at an insane pace, being mercilessly slaughtered by one single intruder.
It was a human. A human with a weak body. He had bright red eyes that stabbed fear into the demons just with a look. He had bright hair just like the sunrays that they hated so much. But most important of all, this human wielded red energy, and was gifted with the holy power of destruction. The demons shivered as they felt the purity of the intruder's  magic even from a distance.
The intruder now stood at the heel of the Raksha tree. He had killed his way to here without needing to lift even a finger.
His red eyes glowed fiercely, contrasted with the dark, it only made the look in his empty eyes very savage, like a demon about to rampage.
He raised his hand.


He flicked his index finger as he made an upward gesture.

Crackle. Crackle.

The roots of Raksha tree cracked from within the ground, its long hellish roots beginning to emerge from underneath as if it was being sucked in by some unknown force from above. The roots that were shaking violently with demon worms and demon eggs were completely drawn out.
The human squinted his eyes towards the root and the moment he did, all the demon eggs and demon worms were burnt to ashes. He then raised his palm and made a squashing gesture. The tree made a vertical sprint before it settled in mid air surrounded by the sea of darkness. Then as if it was being squeezed into a ball , it was compressed by an extremely powerful magic energy, the mighty tree being reduced to a pile of trash ball.
The intruder then turned around and left without looking back. With each step he took the darkness behind him dissipated revealing a green landscape of grasses.

This was not the first time Ivar had gotten rid of demons all by himself.

Many years had passed with the passing of  fleeting time. He had no idea how many years had gone by as he had lost track of time.
The only obsession that kept him going to this point was to exterminate the demon race and completely wipe them from this world. So he had been slaughtering demons mercilessly left and right, alone, by himself. Killing had become like breathing for him.

His life had taken a turn for the worst.

The day his power awakened people wearing expensive clothes arrived in a gold carriage. They were there to fetch him and take him back to a different place far away from the village. One of the man said that he could kill as many demons as he wants if he followed them back. So he did. And so they arrived at the capital city of an Empire called RUAT. Ivar payed no heed to the attention and curious gazes that was being directed at him. There he was left in a grand house with an audience of people. He could sense they had powers just like his but their magic energy were a bit dull. And in this house he met someone who seemed to have a great deal of similarity with him. She had red eyes just like him except the colour of her hair being crimson red. But the similar colour of her magic and his spoke for relation.

"Yes." The woman spoke. "I am your biological mother."

Ivar froze. He then squinted his eyes at her.
"You. Are. Not." Each word echoed in the grand  hall, very vividly.
Ibelina was his mother. His real mother. Blood did not matter. She was and she will always be his real mother.