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Golden Nirvana could never forget that day! That certain day when he had lost to the fated villain standing before him right now. Back then, he had thought he had erased the memories of Mo Jung upon having his secret discovered by him, he thought he had rewritten the mistake that happened back then. It was a mistake on his part since he let his guard down thinking he had the characters of this world under his control until that day when he was sneak attacked by Mo Jung. That day when he was captured by this villain, he tasted humiliation for the first time. As the protector of this world he, golden Nirvana had the power to keep the wheels of fate in his control as well as this world's puppets. He never ever thought even in his dreams that he would ever be captured by one of those puppets, while being fooled by Mo Jung all the time, who sealed him in that illusion cave shortly after capturing him.

"I am going to have my revenge!" He yelled as he began to dash towards Mo Jung.

Mo Jung looked at him with disgusted eyes. Thrusting his sword forward he sprinted towards this annoying pest. This man who claimed himself as the protector of this world, who saw them as mere puppets existing just for the fulfillment of their destined fates while playing their roles according to the script of this small world, this man, this asshole, needed to learn his lesson. His eyes narrowed at his enemy as they clashed against each other. 



In a few minutes already the fight between them had taken shift after shift, their attacks becoming more and more intense. Mo Jung was blown away by a heavy kick landing on his chest. When he stabilized himself he saw his enemy enclosing onto him from a short distance. Swinging his sword to the left, he circulated the spiritual power of his body onto the tip of his fingers. Then he bolted towards Golden Nirvana. He swung his sword at him. Clawing the fingers on his other hand into a blade shape he slashed it towards his enemy, stabbing his fingers forward with an intense acceleration.


Blood spattered from the place where the golden nirvana was stabbed. He glared at Mo Jung.

The two bolted towards each other, their eyes raging with killing intent.


The friction caused by their collision caused the ground to shake and shudder terribly. This alerted some people who felt the spiritual shockwaves blasting throughout the enitre sky.

"!!!" Zhen Yang stood up, staring at the place which was the centre of the spiritual explosion.

Several other sect leaders were also present with him at this time. They were all familiar with one of the spiritual shock waves reaching the vicinity of the place where they were gathered.

"Hurry!! Gather all the cultivators!!"

"Its him! We found him!!"

Clenching his hands tightly his eyes were raging with anger. "MO JUNG!" Zhen Yang uttered through gritted teeth.

Hundreds of cultivators immediately filled the expanse of the sky, all of them riding on their swords, flying towards that place.

Meanwhile back at the fighting arena the two individuals were fighting savagely, each of them aiming for the death of the other. They were unaware of the two pair of eyes watching them. 

"Its funny how that golden nirvana doesn't realise that his role as the rule of this world was to remain sealed until the very last end of the story." Ivar couldn't help but remark watching the golden nirvana trying really hard to kill the villain. This guy had no idea that his role as the protector had deviated from how it was originally intended to be. That guy wasn't aware of the fact that in the orginal story he was sealed by Mo Jung very early in the story, which didn't change in this timeline either. But what changed was the fact that he was released from that place where he was sealed before the intended time, causing a chain of changes to follow in this timeline. In the orginal he broke through the seal at the very end of the story when Li Jei was heavily injured fighting Mo Jung, wounding the latter as well. The unsealed Nirvana restored the favour of fate onto the protagonists, lending them a help in defeating the villain. That's how it was supposed to be. But because of Ivar's intervention the original script deviated from its path taking a new turn.