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Although a bit tempting Ivar had no intention of getting this person or another involved in his path to revenge.
"No thanks." He rejected the tempting offer before him. His eye made the meaning of his words so clear that the other man couldn't help but frown.

So reluctant on relying on others. Guang Wang Lei sighed in silence. He squeezed Ivar closer to himself. The person in his arms moved his face to the side, avoiding him. A chuckled left the alpha man's lips. "Your....neck...looks so tempting." He spoke in a husky voice staring at the pale, milky skin of the exposed neck. There was a black mole on the smooth side profile of the neck, the little dot looking so tempting that it made the bastard man's throat dry with lust. He leant over and licked the mole with his tongue.


Ivar's body was electrified with goosebumps. He immediately tried to struggle away from Guang Wang Lei but this guy's strength was not something Ivar's current self could fight against. He tried pushing him away, trashing around in his arms, trying to pry open the arms on his waist but Guang Wang Lei did not even budge a bit. Instead it earned a certain reaction from a certain place. Ivar froze when he realised that something hard and erect was poking him below. Although faint, this cold poking made his body turn into a statue.

"Don't move. Or else I might lose control." The man licking his neck breathed heavily. His warm and moist breathe falling onto Ivar's neck making the other shudder with discomfort. As a direct reaction Ivar trashed out even harder making Guang Wang Lei grit his teeth.
"Did I not tell you not to trash around?" He spoke through gritted teeth. "Do not move or it won't help me calm down." With these words he finally made the other person stop moving, the body in his arms became as still as a pole. Guang Wang Lei heaved a sigh of relief as he tried to calm the desire in him. This erection was unintentional. He did not mean to react like this but when he had sucked onto the exposed neck of the other person and Ivar began to move around in an attempt to struggle, it only added fuel to his suppressed desires.
Was it because it had been a long time? Guang Wang Lei thought to himself. No, that wasn't quite right. He had been pretty sexually inactive these five hundred years. Infact this was the first erection he had after spending all those hundreds of years alone. Was it just his desire? Or was it because he had fallen in love with this man? No wait. How was he even sure that this attraction he was feeling right now was not similar to the ones he felt towards those women from his past? The only difference was that unlike those harem women from his past, the person he was attracted to this time was a man. A tough, cold, indifferent and stubborn man binded by mysterious chains.
When he felt the heat disappear he released the man in his arms. Ivar immediately scooted away from him glaring with calm but chilling eyes. Guang Wang Lei, on the other hand, looked at him with a complicated gaze. The thoughts that hit his mind just now was eating him up. He decided to give it some thought. After all pursuing someone had to be done genuinely. If not, history could repeat itself. Thinking so he left with a good night.

Ivar was so relieved to see him leave. He let out a long breath of relief that he had been holding back desperately, to hide the fear that was gradually growing in his heart.
"Still a few months left. Tsk!" He really wanted to leave this world. Entangling with something as unnecessary as emotions, he did not have the drive nor the time for it.

Meanwhile the Guang Wang Lei who had disappeared from the courtyard was now at a chamber. There were a few candles lighting up this dark bedroom. His footsteps echoed in the silent room alarming the weeping woman on the bed.

"I did say that I will deal with you later." He murmured in a low voice that was enough for her to hear.

The wailing beauty on the bed looked at him, horrified of his arrival. Her eye bags were red and swollen, her face haggard as if she had not eaten anything for a very long time. The fierceness in her eyes were lost in the darkness as fear overtook her body and soul. She trembled at the aura the man was sending towards her. Her eyelashes drooped. Her arms that were clutching the pillow fell down, lifeless, without a trace of vitality in them. "Ahh...." She sobbed silently. This man did say that he would deal with her later. And by later he meant tonight. She wasn't expecting it to be this soon. Was she gonna die at the hands of her lover? This thought made her want to cry out even harder.
"Lei...Lei...." She mumbled in an inaudible voice.