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The high priest could feel it. The energy of an overwhelming being filling the sky, marking this world with their terrifying powers.
"It has begun." He whispered to himself. He put on his white cloak. Walking up to face his allies he shouted at them. "Something big has happened to the demons. Now is our time to rise and rebel, if we wish to reclaim our lands and our home, now is the time."

The people shouted in unison. "We will fight. The land that we lost, we will fight for its glory, for it to be returned to us. Let the demons perish."

"Let them perish!"

"Fight for our home!"

The army remaining of the holy temple left the cave in order to fight for their land with their deaths. However as soon as they were out they were greeted by a horrible surprise.
An army of thousands....of them stood before them. All of them were staring at a certain direction, their attention focused onto it. They roared as most of them sprinted forward.

"What in the world is going on?" The people mumbled.

Their words got the attention of some demons. They turned their eyes towards them.....with bloodshot stares half of the demon army began to dash towards the group.

"Everyone...get ready to fight." The hight priest shouted as he lunged forward.

He stabbed a demon with his sword.

Flare. Flare.

Red flames engulfed the demons, burning them to ashes.

"This...." The people stared at the color of the flame. It was red. Meaning this was the power of the fire spirit. Ignete, the concubine of the demon king. But why was it attacking the demons? And not them?

"Let me help." They heard a pleasing voice speak to them. When they turned around to the source of the voice they saw that it was a human. He had a bewitching appearance.
The high priest was shocked to see the halo of virtue onto this human. Moreover, his body held captive the fire spirt.

"Who are you, my child?" The high priest was curious. He could see the blessing of gods marked upon this boy.

"Su Min Suk is my name." He replied. "For now, knowing this much is enough. Lets fight first and then talk."

The people realised the situation they were currently in. It sounded reasonable that now was not the ideal time to get curious about things. They had a long battle awaiting them.

The wave of the next holy war has hit off unintentionally amidst this chaotic fight.

"Ivar.....wake up."

"Wake up Ivar!"

"Hm...." His closed eyes flung open, wide awake. Ivar shoot up from the bed. He turned his head towards his left, staring into the distance.

"This world is on the verge of collapse." The system sighed when it saw its host finally wake up.

"What exactly happened during the time I was sleeping?" Ivar was confused, kinda thrown aback by the fact that Guang Wang Lei was going berserk at some distance away from them.
According to what he knew about him, that person was never the type to strike first unless someone offended him. And in this world where Guang Wang Lei only knew him, it meant that the reason had something to do with himself.

"Master Hades is giving them a lesson for trying to steal what is his." A male's voice interrupted. It was Cerberus.

"Right." Ivar sighed. He was probably the reason behind all this mess.