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"What are you two doing, Ma?"

Ivar was frozen on the bed. He looked at his adorable son who was walking into the room, oblivious and unaware of the obscene scene before him. Thankfully their lower body was covered by the quilt. The little bun was smiling, revealing his lovely white teeth, his cheeks puffing out as he approached them.
He then felt something inside him. Ivar widened his eyes shifting them towards Wang Lei.
"!!!" He was stupefied. "YO.....U....." Ah!! He almost let out a loud moan.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

His heartbeat was thumping loudly against his chest.

"Hng..." Wang Lei was barely able to contain himself as he pushed himself at the base of his lover's inside. The inner walls clamping down on him was throbbing, squeezing him tightly. It was inevitable that he was aroused more than usual with the hole tightening onto him.


Ivar forced the loud gasp that was threatening to fall out of his lips. His lips quivered lightly, covering his mouth with his hands, his misty eyes looked at his lover, begging him to hold himself at rein.
Guang Wang Lei stared down at his lover's lovely eyes. He licked his lips provocatively, the appetite he was feeling was getting more and more intense.
He shifted his gaze towards the little bun staring at them with clueless eyes.

"Little bunny-punny, what are you doing here?"

His eyes lit up happily. Walking towards the bed he repeated the same question. "Dada, what are you doing to Ma? Are you bullying him?"

Wang Lei chuckled at his son's words. He lifted his hand, putting his finger near his mouth.
"Shh!! We are currently making a younger sibling for you."
He noticed his son's eyes lit up with the idea of having a younger sibling for himself.

The child motioned his mouth with an Ah, implying that he now understood what they were doing. Creating a new baby for him, he loved the idea very much. Although he did not quite understand what it had to do with what his mother and father were doing on the bed, he loved the idea very much.
"Then, I won't distrub you. Please make my younger baby look just like Ma."

Chuckling, "Sure. Now go and play with your Grandpa. He bought new toys for you."

Giving an okay gesture the little bun left the room. He had to tip toe on his feet to open the door knob. The sight of his little feet lifting up was a very cute sight to Wang Lei.


Giggling happily he walked through the hallway. When he saw that his grandpa was here to visit him he ran up to him.

King Steins embraced his cute grandson with a very warm smile.
"Aiyooo!! My lovely grandson!! Be careful to not trip on your legs. If you get hurt grandpa will be very sad." The king picked up his little grandson in his arms.

"Hehe! I am very happy." He giggled grinning widely.

King Steins looked at his lovely little Lulu. How can someone be soo cute neee!!! "Did something wonderful happen to my little Lulu? Will you tell grandpa?"

Shaking his little head vigorously he played with his grandpa's ears, twirling them with his little fingers. "Dada and Ma are making a new baby for me. Hehe! I will be an elder brother very soon! Lulu is very happy."

"!!" King Steins widened his eyes. Those two!! Celebrating their bedroom honeymoon all the time!! He must give them a good scolding when he meet them again.

"Lulu is very happy! Hehe!"

Awwww! The king's heart was melting faster than ice. He was very content with the time he got to spend with his grandson. Lulu was a very cute little angel. He got those purple eye colour and white hair from his father. While his cat eyes and his facial features resembled his son in law's.
"Grandpa will play lots with you."