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"What is the meaning of this, Kazuhiko?" Old man Obi was furious. Not at Makato but at the other person before him. He raised his voice angrily. "I have been hearing rumours about you. First, my son. Then some Omega called Akira and now? Even my Maka chan?"

Maka chan. Pffttt.... Nulis could barely contain its mechanical laugh.

Kazuhiko ignored the head of the Takahashi family's growing anger. He flashed a humble smile at him. However, in Old man Obi's eyes that smile was lecherous, full of venom, just like a snake ready to strike anytime.
"Master Obi, anger is not good for your health, specially for people of your age. I heard that last time you almost collapsed from an anger fit. You ought to take care of yourself." With a pleasant smile plastered on his handsome face the intruding male lead kept his fangs hidden. He then moved his eyes towards his future babe. Walking over to him with a bouquet of roses he spoke.
"You were absent today. So I was worried and before I could barely contain myself from rushing over I was already outside this mansion." He handed the flowers to him though the other person did not have any intention of accepting them.

"You....!!!" Old man Obi was glaring at Kazuhiko, flames of anger burning in his eyes. He was so angry that this bratty snake bastard has toyed not only with his only grandson but now he was aiming for Makato too. "Bodyguards!" He yelled.
A group of men in black suit immediately answered his call. They stood in an upright posture, filling the room.
"Throw this snake out of the mansion. He dares to show me his face when he had been fucking around some Omega while being engaged to my grandson! I want him out! Right now!" He gave out an outrageous order. He glared at the person he wanted out of his house. However the snake bastard was ignoring him and his whole attention was onto Makato, who was like his second son. Thankfully Old man Obi noticed that Makato had no intention of accepting the flower bouquet from this snake and this comforted his anger a bit. His Maka chan have a good judgement.

Kazuhiko paid no heed to the commotion arising in the house because of him. His eyes were fixated on his kitten, his kitten was glaring at him with his beautiful, captivating eyes. The corner of his lips curved. "Hey kitty, did you perhaps avoided school because of me? Honestly speaking, you should stop doing that. I will come to you no matter where you are. Hm?"

Ivar glared at him. He was very wary of this person, didn't knew what he might do in a second if he were to let his guard down even for a moment. Like, how last time he forced a kiss on him. He then heard him chuckle lightly.

"You are giving me so much attention. Are you falling for me already? When I have just started flirting with you?" Kazuhiko spoke with a smile, teasing his kitten with such ambiguous words. As he said these words he stepped closer to Ivar and shoved the bouquet gently into his arms.
He was completely ignoring the men in black suits approaching him.
The body guards sprinted towards him. Two of them were already stretching out their hands in an attempt to restrain Kazuhiko. One of them made an attempt to grip his shoulder but before his fingers could reach the person he was aiming for he felt an overwhelming pressure exerted onto his body, as if a boulder of giant rock had been smashed onto him, he fell on his knees, and while his legs made contact with floor the sound of his crushing bones was heard under the heavy and powerful momentum that compelled him to fall on his knees.

"Ahhhhhhh...." He let out a heart wrenching scream. The pain on his knees were unbearable, the bones were burning as if they had been lit on fire.
The other bodyguards stared at the scene with shock. Then their shoulders flinched when their bodies came in contact with a terrifying pheromone, the smell of rain and the smell of bloodthirst filled the room, it was terrific enough to make even Old Man Obi shudder with discomfort. Such strong and overwhelming pheromones. He stared at Kazuhiko, who still had his back against them, the man was still ignoring them while he had his body facing Makato.