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He was silently driving to the airport, he knew it would take hours before their plane would land, but his excitement for seeing Hassan wouldn't let him stay at home until it was the right time. He would rather lazy around the airport until their flight arrive. His grin could reach his ears. He wished he could call him to know how many hours or minutes left for them to arrive, but then he laughed at his own stupidity. This wasn't a car drive that he could call him whenever he wanted, no matter how he wanted to speak to him.

He had arrived at the airport a few minutes ago, going through some stuff as he spoke with a few of the faces he could put a name on. A call came through his phone, when he saw that it was Hassan's Nigerian number, he wondered how. Maybe their flight was delayed and he called to inform him? Because the last time they spoke was when he told him he was thirty minutes away from entering Abuja, and their flight would take off from there.

He picked the call with a grin, hoping that it wasn't the case. Maybe he had already roamed his line when he arrived, but he should've known that they've arrived since he had been at the airport for quite sometime now. "Hello, First H," he said, but the voice that answered him back wasn't that of his Twin, it was the voice of a stranger, and there were other voices around.

It had been over twenty four hours since when she last heard from Hassan, even though she knew he had promised her that he would call her the moment he got himself a new line, she was still feeling edgy. She sat upright from her bed and smiled when she heard the baby rumpled within her bump. A chuckled escaped her disturbed chest as she remembered how Hassan reacted the first time the baby moved, so ecstatic that she wondered how he would have reacted if the baby lived in his stomach.

She said her Maghreb prayer and walked to Hajia's chamber to have her dinner. Since they knew she was pregnant, Hajia stopped her from doing anything in the house, she had to fight so hard before they let her to continue cleaning their room. She met Sohila in the living room and she turned to smile at her, "Good evening, Aunty Nadia. As I've always said, this bump makes you look ten times beautiful than you were."

She chuckled and slowly moved to the dinning table, "And like I've always said, this isn't a compliment, Sohila. You've just been looking for ways to insult me and have finally found one. I can't wait to bring this child to this world to see what you'd say then."

Sohila laughed and walked to the dinning table as well, "You'd still be beautiful, nevertheless. First H hit the jackpot with you."

They grinned at each other and that prompted Nadia to ask the question, "Where's Hajia?" She's usually in the living room whenever Nadia came to have her dinner, sometimes she even ask Sohila to go and call her if she took sometime to come, but she was no where to be found today.

"Aunt Sadiya, her sister has been sick for two days and they took her to the hospital today. She isn't going to stay there for the night, but I'm sure she would come back around 9pm or even 10pm." Nadia only nodded and they began eating their dinner silently. She was still uncomfortable with the silence from Hassan, so much unlike him.

"Have you heard from First H, Sohila?" She couldn't help but ask, she knew she was the one they should ask whether she had heard from him, but no one was even talking about not hearing from him. Or maybe, she was just being impatient, was she? "Or maybe spoke with Second H about his arrival?"

With her mouthful with food, Sohila brought up her phone by her side, "No, I didn't, Hajia too. Because she would've said something about it. I've even forgotten that he had left for America, all my thoughts is he had gone back to Abuja for work, silly me." She chuckled and sipped her drink before she began to search for a number in her phone, "His number isn't going through." Nadia had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Of course she had tried his number, she wouldn't have asked her if it was going through.
"Maybe you should try calling Hussain?" She suggested.

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