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Hussain stared at her as he felt her words resonating through his brain. What did she mean? No, that wasn't what he was supposed to think of now, it should be what would his answer be? Did he love her? He quickly shook his head, pushing away the avalanche of thoughts that came running to his brain. He wasn't going to listen to any of his thoughts, or the points his heart might try to make, he was just not going to.

He stared into her eyes and softly shook his head with a smile. "How could you think that way, Sohila? Of course, I do not love her. How can I love my twin's wife?" He was waiting for her to give him an answer, maybe convince him enough to make him fall in love with her, or rather, make him believe that he was in love with her and nothing else, whichever worked for them.

She smiled and caressed her thumb on his hand, "I know you take me as a young girl, Second Baba, but I notice and see everything. I'm not trying to make you do something if you aren't ready or you don't want to do it, but I'd like to advice you on something. Just like First Baba would, will you please listen to me?"

She had grown up so much, so well and so matured that all they did was thought of her as a young girl, but at the end of their conversation, Hussain knew she had grown up to be the lady they both were proud of. He knew Hassan was no more, but he definitely would have been proud of her if he was.

He had retired to bed early, not because he was sleepy or he could even sleep if he were, but because he wanted to think. It had been long since he thought about something apart from Hassan and that had always brought nothing to him but pain. He brought out his camera and was going through their old pictures, smiling as he forced himself not to cry even when he realized he had gone back to thinking about Hassan when all he wanted was to think of his life and what he would do with it now that Hassan was no more when he heard her groan.

At first, he thought it was merely an illusion or because she had prettily occupied his thoughts too, but then he heard her door being opened and her groans were becoming even more prominent. He opened his door even before she got there because somehow, he knew that was where she was headed to.

He found her struggling to get to his door and when she looked up at him, she was covered in sweat and he didn't have to wait for her to tell him that she was in pain. An excruciating pain to be particular. He rushed toward her and her lips trembled as she spoke, "I think the baby is coming, Twin."

Hussain turned around, looking for something that would help. He didn't want to touch her, she wasn't his mahram and she was having his baby. The pain she was obviously in was ripping his heart open and he knew both Hajia and Sohila could not carry her to the car. He was thinking of what to do when she screamed and Hussain didn't know when he scooped her into his arms, "I'm sorry, we'll be there in time, okay?"

He stared at the way she was biting her lower lip in pain as he carried her to the car and rushed to Hajia's chamber to let her know. They all came back rushing to the car in a minute with everything that was needed and like a flash, Hussain drove to the hospital. She was admitted in a hurry, but after an hour of hearing her endless scream, feeling as though he would rush there to tell them to just do everything to lessen her pain, one of the nurses come out.

She rushed toward them and he didn't wait for her to reach up to them when he asked, "How's she? Have she given birth?"

The nurse was accusatively staring between the three distraught family members, "Have she been taking something sweet and cold while pregnant? It's making it so hard for her to deliver the baby and the doctor sent me to make you sign this." She flipped the papers open and looked up at him, "Are you her husband?"

"Yes, I am." He answered in a rush, listening even though his mind was in a chaos to her screams but he was hearing none. Was she alright? Or did she die and they weren't going to tell them yet? "What do I need to sign and what is it for?" He collected the papers in his shivering hands.

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