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Having to force herself to sleep was the toughest thing Nadia had to do in a while, but after so many failed attempts, she made it. She had slept even though her sleep had been disrupted by dreams that involved a face that clearly didn't belong to her husband. Rather, her husband's twin. She woke up feeling a bit down but then she had to act as if nothing had happened, it was the naming ceremony after all, and she was expected to be smiling and looking all lovely. The woman that always came to bathe Baby H did, and after she had fed him, Nadia asked her to kindly take him to Hajia, which she did.

She stayed longer than usual in the shower and when she came out, she wished she could just go to bed and sleep for the whole day, but that wasn't possible. She even had to start packing her belongings because she knew this time around, Mama would make sure she went back home. And her mother aside, she needed to get out of Hussain's sight for she didn't want them committing a sin they both would regret later.

She had only worn her gown, her long and silky hair raining on her back while she struggled so hard to zip it up when the door creaked ajar and without turning to see who the intruder was, Nadia sighed out of relief. "Sohila, could you please zip this for me? I don't know how my clothes are not fitting me as they used to. And to feed Baby H later will be a problem." She was thankful to Allah for the blessing he had bestowed upon her but there were things she wasn't ready for. Maybe she had already had it in mind that with Hassan everything will be easier and she would be fine but now that he wasn't together with her she didn't know what she would do.

Hussain watched her bare back with interest, how she managed to have such a flawless skin everywhere was something he was certain lots of women struggled with but he knew she had it effortlessly. He placed down the tray he had brought with him and smiled while she tried to sweep up her hair from her back. He held it, along with her hands. He had always wanted to see her hair, touch it, from the snippets he got from her front hair.

"I'll do that, Singleton." The way his words hit her nerves was something Nadia had never imagined it would. She wanted to run away, but he had her hooked to her spot by just holding both her hands with his along with her hair and if she could clearly remember, her back was still open!

She closed her eyes to control her breathing as he played with her hair all in the name of typing it into a ponytail, and it took him only god knew how long before he did and abruptly, Nadia felt his hand on her back, which forced a shiver out of her and she lounged forward away from him. She turned, her eyes trying so hard to emote anger but what she was feeling was far from anger.

"What do you think you're doing?" Unexpectedly, her voice croaked and she found tears pooling the brink of her eyes. He was making everything hard for her, she wanted to maintain her sanity for the course of the few days remaining for her but she didn't think it was possible with him around.

"You asked for help, so I'm helping." He looked so calm about everything that Nadia wanted to punch him so hard on the face. Before, he didn't come into her room, but now he acted as though this room was his and the privacy he used to give her was no longer important.

"I'm very sure you've heard the name I called, it wasn't you. I thought it was Sohila, and if for once you could give me some privacy, Hussain, I'd really appreciate it." A lone tear rolled down her cheek and she forcefully wiped at him and bursted out. "I've been trying so hard to maintain my sanity, my peace but you're making it hard on me. Please, if you can't help me in regaining the peace I've lost, don't destroy the little one left for me." She hated her tears for showing up in his presence, but what she hated more was her body for being affected by a single touch by him because...what the hell?!

He looked solemn as he watched her struggling to stop her tears but it was as though she was begging for more tears because they kept rolling uncontrollably. She stopped trying to fight them as her shoulders shagged as she sobbed and as much as he wanted to give her the privacy she wanted, Hussain knew he couldn't. And slowly, he pulled her to his chest and gave her the hug he had been dying to, since Hassan died.

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