The Scars Upon Her Skin

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Our eyes met for only a moment, and the look in his instantly made me drop the utensil in my hand. Instinctively, I reached to cover my shame but instead Father grasped my chin and brought my face close to his. The anger was so apparent that it chilled me to my core. I know now that it was not aimed at me, but at the time I believed it was. I swallowed hard, for it felt like there was a lump stuck in my throat. "I am sorry. I am so sorry, Father." It was the only thing I could manage to say that felt correct.

He shook his head and faintly touched what was left of my lips. "Do not apologize. I should have stopped him. I should have stepped in or even sent your brother. As your father, this pains me." The cold anger had left his gaze, and instead was replaced with sadness. He turned my face slightly for Arcanum to see fully. What they saw, despite being healed some, was tattered skin and exposed teeth. My lips had spaces that looked as if an 'X' had been gouged from top lip to bottom. My canines exposed on the top right side of my mouth due to one of the slash marks going up towards my cheek. My bottom lip, although having more meat still standing, had six jagged, vertical lines going from said lip to chin. Unlike the scars that adorned my body, the one's upon my face were still fresh so they were quite angrily red.

Obviously, at this point dinner had definitely come to an end. It was my fault for not letting him see my mouth sooner, but the secret was out and questions were sure to come.

Firstly, after he took in every detail and Arcanum the same, they sat back in their seats in silence. I was the first to speak, "Please do not be sorry. This is caused by my own volition. My anger towards my mother caused me to kill my uncle and anger her further. I should have expected her to send someone else to fight this battle." I let out a bit of a frustrated sigh, as I gently pulled my garment down just enough to show the scar that travelled from my neck down the base to my chest. That scar just as red as my face. "If anything it was a message, and almost a blessing I should say. His actions and his words fueled me to rid my life of Isadora, and if I hadn't of succeeded then he marked me up so well that she wouldn't have been able to sell me again." My voice was shaking, but it was only because I hated the thought of causing my new found family, pain. "So again, I plead to you both, do not be sorry for my actions. I did this to myself."

Arcanum slammed his fist on the oak table, causing a crack to form on his side. "You did nothing but defend yourself. Your mother did horrible things to you, for something you couldn't control. Instead of punishing, she should have helped you. She should have been a mother to you, instead of a fucking monster." He huffed angrily and looked to Father for his opinion.

Father took a deep breath, clasping his hands in front of him before he spoke as well. "Levinta... Shakira, you can not hold this burden alone. None of what happened was your fault. Your mother was vile and cold because of her loss of Ronan  and that is also not your fault. Ronan, the man who cherished you and loved you deeply, knew that one day his end may come as a result for raising you. He chose you over his own life, because of how much he loved you. So please do not damage the love and memories you two have, because of what Isadora believed. Her vision was blinded and in doing so, she failed to continue to raise our loving daughter." He paused to let these words sink in to my very core before he continued. "Now, I believe we can put Isadora in the past and all the things that pertain her. I will do my best to not let down your dear Ronan. You will train here with your twin," He pointed to Arcanum, "and you will be assigned a guard for whenever you are not in our presence, including when you return meadow."

My eyes widened, and a smile formed, "Are you saying that I can still visit home?"

Father nodded with a smile as well, "I wouldn't dream of keeping you from your haven. I only ask that you keep a guard with you."

I practically leapt out of my seat and hugged my Father. "Thank you.  Thank you. Thank you!" I exclaimed with absolute glee. Which caused him to chuckle and pat my back. He waved his free hand towards the door, and in came a tall man with silver-grey shaggy hair and beard. His amber eyes full of strength and valor. He bowed towards us, "Your Grace," his deep, gravely voice tugged upon something inside me. My breath hitched just looking at this handsome man. 

Father waved him at ease and turned to me again. "Shakira, I'd like you to meet your new guard, Xavier." 

Xavier bowed again, "It will be my honor to serve and protect you, Princess." When he arose again, there was a slight smile in the curve of his lip. 

I hid my mouth behind my hands and smiled with a quite deep blush, "Thank you, Xavier. I look forward to our adventures..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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