The Meadow

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Willow trees. How beautiful they were; surrounding my little cabin in the woods. It may not have looked like much, but it had become my slice of paradise. I spent most of my time in the woods around my home, but one day I decided to venture out further. It had been a year now, and I think it was safe to say that I wouldn't be found.

At first light, on a misty spring day, I left my cabin. The willows around my home, swayed in the breeze that swept through. I took a long, deep breath that morning and felt excitement. Living alone after all that happened, was actually nice. Just my wolf and I. With that said, I set out on a mossy path that soon gave way to more of my new homes splendor.

I walked for hours, stopping occasionally to touch the trees; to make myself familiar and remember each detail. I made a mental note of each thing, so that later I could explore in a different perspective. I soon began to realize that the trees were becoming thinner. My curiosity was greatly sparked. My pace had quickened, the scent of heavy rain filling my lungs.

Can a being be aroused by nature? Could it really be that euphoric?...It was for me. I went from walking, to jogging, to full on sprint. I leaped over broken branches, slid by brambles, and came to the very edge of the treeline. The sight before me made my knees weak. I fell forward and looked upon this beauty slack-jawed; what laid before me was a meadow. A meadow filled with hues of blue and red and purple and green. The flowers braved against the heavy hits of the rain. The lush grass swayed ever so gently.

To others it may seem silly, but it really was breath-taking. An assortment of flowers that normally wouldn't be seen growing together, lay right before me. The wolf in me was elated. It wanted out, and I gave in. I undressed in record time, and then I let go. My paws hit the ground running straight into the center. I rolled in the grass; the rain pelting down into my long, shaggy  ebony fur. It felt good. I can't remember exactly how long I stayed there that day, but I know it was worth every second.

When I finally did take my leave, I changed back; I quickly got dressed again and smiled at myself. I had found another safe space. A space that would later take on such a bigger meaning. With that, I headed home in quite high spirits. I would come back soon, I needed to. For what happened when I returned home would make it dire.

I returned late that night. I was in such a good mood that I almost missed the change in the air...almost. Lillies. The strong scent of lillies filled my nose as I grew closer to my home. I froze in my tracks and gaze towards my home. I was downwind, which was good, and could make out my sweet willow trees, by the light of the moon. She was here.

My mother had found my home, and she had brought a man with her. My ears perked to hear what they were saying. "Where could that little lass be?" The voice was rough, it had to be the man she was with. His accent was such a rich Gaelic that it sparked a lump in my throat. No. Don't think about him. I pushed my father back in my mind and continued to listen. "That pathetic little thing will be back. She has nowhere else to go," that eclectic Eastern accent filled me with hate. My mother had become such a vile being, but she was wrong. I would leave my home that night. I didn't go back to the meadow though either that night. I walked different paths that night, using my scent to lead them far off. I changed and covered myself in mud, before I doubled back and hid out in a little alcove miles from my lovely little cabin.

How did she find me? I thought I had been so careful. I racked my brain over and over, but I just didn't know. Either way, I stayed in my little hiding spot for a few days. I didn't dare leave to eat or drink while I waited. By the fourth day, I braved out and made my way to my home. I kept my ears tuned to even the tiniest sound. I wasn't going back there with her.

It didn't take long for me to return, but when I did my heart shattered. The smell of burnt wood and ash was like a slap to the face. My stomach clenched as I saw what remained of my home...of my sweet willows. I couldn't help the whine that escaped from my maw.

That cruel woman was taking everything from me! I turned away from the remnants and took off into the trees. I didn't know where I was going, but I needed to run. I needed to clear my mind. I was being bombarded with so many emotions that I didn't know what to process first. I was lost. I didn't want to be lost, but she gave me no other option. So I ran. I ran until my paws hurt. By the time I finally collapsed, I didn't realize where I had gone. It took me a few minutes to adjust and look around, before I realized that I was in the center of the meadow. I should've felt relief, but all I felt was an overwhelming numbness. So I curled up in the very spot I had collapsed in, and glanced up at the sky. I prayed to whatever was listening, to protect this shield me from her and those who followed her. Then I dropped my head and stayed in a ball, hoping that whoever was listening would do just that. Keep me safe.

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