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From the moment I took his hand, euphoria set in. My wings extended to full mast and with it came the lift off the ground beneath me. I gripped his hand tight, although flying over the trees and into the clouds did give me a rush, there was just a tinge of fear that I could plummet back down. Arcanum stifled a laugh at what could only be at my face, how ever it may look. I dug my nails into his palm, "Give me a break, all right?" He simply bit his lip and nodded.

At that point, he pulled me in closer and took the lead. The green and blue hues of the earth below merged and swayed to a gentle wind, that took a fraction of my focus away. The further we flew away, the more anxious I became. Would he like me?... That question swirled around my head, but it also gave me this sense of guilt. Looking at my brother, passing through a flurry of wispy clouds that thickened the higher we went, wondering about my real father and how he would react. All of these moments and questions shouldn't fill me with such guilt...and yet he came to my mind. His voice in my ears, telling me everything was okay; telling me he loved me.

My mind had become engrossed with the memories of Ronan, so much so that I hadn't realized that we had burst through the last clouds and had found our way to the entrance of Evron. My first reaction was that Evron was very bright. The variations hues of shimmering white pillars contrasted only by the color of the cerulean sky. I blinked a few times so my eyes would adjust to the purity that Evron radiated.

Whispers. Murmurs. Each passing being spoke in hushed tones and fervent glances in our direction. I looked at Arcanum from my peripheral vision and found him standing with proper posture and an emotionless expression. I began to think that the tightness in my chest was one sided at best. He must be used to the looks, but I...I had lived in the shadows for some time now.  I turned my focus back to the scenery and let my eyes rove over the people and off to the distance. To the right of me was a cobble-stoned road made of ivory colored stone, of course it had to match the rest of this bright place. Nonetheless, I took a step towards the path and passively followed it with my eyes to its destination.

In the distance, stood a castle with great splendor. The light struck it with such a mesmerizing shimmer that I found myself walking said path towards it. My eyes had fixated on it so prominently, that it took me longer to realize that Arcanum was at my side. He had been so quiet, and I felt a flutter of embarrassment arise. I was taking the lead on a visit that he was instructed to bring me on.  I slowed my pace so that he could take the lead, although my legs wanted to sprint. I suppose, he could sense my impatience, since he pulled me close to him; practically in his arms and ran. We got to the front gates in mere seconds, another similar trait we shared. Gingerly, he placed me back on the ground and waved his hands towards the door. "Are you ready?"

I took a few deep breaths, calming my nerves before I nodded and proceeded to the door. Arcanum stepped ahead, opening the door for me and moving to the side so that I could enter. I wavered a bit at the threshold, but quickly pushed on. Once I entered, I waited for him and followed him down various halls; scattered with beautiful, crisp art. I was in complete awe. My father lived here? Here in this beautiful home... I could feel my nerves getting the best of me again and as I felt the slow, tight clench in my chest; my brother had swung the grand doors open. 

There he was. Amidst three thrones, he sat in the middle, surrounded by this faint and intense aura. His stature practically screamed regal and fierce. I was completely speechless. The similarities between my brother and this man who was my father, were absolutely striking. Out of reflex, my hand faintly touched my lips; or rather what was left of them, because here sat a man of great beauty. Which, in my mind, all I could think is that he would be disgusted by my appearance. My brother was the impediment of an Adonis, and my father...there were not enough words to describe his beauty.

I turned away, so quickly, and stepped right back out of that room. The tightness that I had felt earlier had worsened and I stood right outside, gasping for air. I was shaking, and I felt so weak and ashamed. I couldn't do it. I needed to leave. My head was filling with the last image of my mother and her cruel smile. I was nothing, and as I stood there having a panic attack; I hadn't realized that I wasn't alone in that corridor. I didn't realize it until I felt a warm touch just on the nape of my neck. I flinched and turned so fast, ready to strike, but instead I was encircled into an embrace. At first, my skin was on fire, I was scared and I tried to push away. There was no use in trying, because in an instant I felt serene. It took me but a moment, for my body to relax and the adrenaline to subside, and only then did I begin to cry. I sobbed quite profusely and my hands found the front of their shirt, and gripped tightly. 

I don't know how long I stood there crying, but I do know that when I finally stopped, the voice that told me, "It's okay" was the same one that I had been hearing for years. Slowly, my head rose to meet the owner of that voice, and honestly I was only a tad bit surprised.

My father has a beautiful smile, and the kindest eyes. He brushed a few stray strands of hair out of my face and wiped an escaped tear from my cheek. I was rendered speechless, but he was not. "My sweet Shakira, I have waited what seems like a century, to finally meet you in person." His smile was so genuine that I felt calm. My voice shuddered as I simply said, "You really wanted to meet me? I'm sorry to disappoint, but there's nothing special about me. At least, nothing compared to you and Arcanum and this place...this beautiful place."

Zarae'l laughed, almost like a deep rumble, and brushed his fingers upon my face. "You are far more special than you could ever fully imagine, and I will answer any and all of your questions. I can already tell that you have more than a few for me, and I still have a few for you. But, my sweet child, I must address a few things. The main one, may answer a question that you haven't thought about. Why Ronan..."

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