White Lace

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The bath water was so warm...the smell of fresh roses filled my senses. The calmness that filled me caused me to drift for a bit in that clawed tub. The water lapped against my body to the gentle rhythm of the breeze coming from the cracked window. A satisfied sigh escaped me as I dreamt of a happier time.

My dreams were filled with a moment in time of my childhood. A time before the pain, before the undoing. I dreamt of when I was about six years old, and this wee boy named Kai had come to the village with his parents. I still remembered his appearance so perfectly. Fiery red hair, bright green eyes, an abundance of freckles, and a birthmark on his neck.

He and I played every day. We practiced hunting together, we explored together, and he was my first kiss. It was one of the happiest moments of my childhood. If only time hadn't ruined such a sweet bond we had...

That memory was so vivid that when I was startled awake, I exclaimed, "Kai!" Only to be confronted with the sight of Arcanum. My eyes widened at the sight of my twin, in my bathroom. I quickly covered my bust with my arms and asked, "What are you doing in here? Why didnt you make yourself known?" My face was practically burning in embarrassment.

To further my embarrassment, Arcanum began to laugh at me.

"Make myself known?!.." Arcanum's teasing laughter continued as he spoke. The kind of laughter that a brother who had just pulled a prank on his sister sounded like. ".. For what reason? We share a bond that nudity has no business getting in the way of. Though, I do ask for forgiveness, I did not mean to interrupt such a.. 'Memorable' dream.." Indeed, his laughter had dulled to quiet cackles, but, as he leaned against the large silver-marbled sink, his big eyes were smirking just as wide as his mouth was. "I only entered to tell you that Father is waiting for you in the dining hall."

My face had turn an even brighter shade of red, for in all honesty, I had forgotten about the meal that awaited my arrival. I huffed, and reached for my towel by the bath, "thank you for telling me, now shoo so that I may get dressed. I'll be out in a few minutes." I waved my hands towards him, until he got the hint. Which resulted in him raising his hands before him and backing out of the bathroom, the smirk still gleaming upon his face. I simply rolled my eyes and finally got out of the bath, drying my body off.

Once I was completely dry, I caught my reflection in the mirror above the sink. If only Kai could see me now...could see what his sweet Levinta looked like now. A solemn sigh escaped my lips, his memory pushing once again to the back of my mind as I walked out of the bathroom to finally get dressed.

Upon my bed, laid an outfit made of beautiful white lace and satin. A little more proper than I saw fit for a mere dinner, but this wasn't a place where my mere clothes were probably accepted. So with that, I picked up each piece of the outfit and donned it upon my person. First the unmentionables, which each piece hugged my body in ways I was not quite used to. I couldn't help but admire myself for a moment; seeing my breasts lifted and concealed in something so nice felt oddly satisfying. My alabaster skin even lighter compared to my clothes, my pink scars even more vivid in contrast...yet I didn't quite mind. Once again I turned towards the bed and grabbed the dress that lay so beautifully. I gently slipped it over my head and let it fall to cling to the slight curves of my body. The only thing that was missing, was the piece of cloth I used to cover my torn lips. I reached for the ratty cloth, but as I did, laying next to it was a piece of odd black cloth. Further investigation, I soon realized that it was meant as a mask as well, though much finer just like the dress. My fingers glided across the soft fabric, a slit just big enough to still open for me to eat yet still conceal what I feared to show. It was perfect. I placed it over my lips and with utter tenderness, I tied it around the back of my head, fixing my hair to conceal the knot. Another glance in the mirror and I could barely recognize the person I saw staring back. I felt...beautiful? Was that the correct term? I had hoped so, for I very much liked what I saw.

A knock on the door is what brought me out of my little trance. "Shit..." I took longer than I thought. I rushed to the door and opened it to find a more dapper looking Arcanum. Thankfully, because of the mask, he couldn't see the blush that reddened my cheeks. "I apologize for taking so long, Arcanum. I am ready though, if you are." He smirked again but still offered his arm as a guide. I grasped his arm, and shut the door behind me, letting my brother escort me back to the dining hall.

"Nervous?" He inquired, probably because of my slight tremble in my hands. A small bubble of laughter escaped my lips, "that easy to tell?" He patted my hand a bit and nodded, "Nothing to really be nervous about, it's just Father." His response made me snort in the most unlady like manor. "Yeah for you it's not a big deal... it is for me though."

Arcanum opened his mouth as if to reply to my last remark, but then shut his mouth and simply shrugged. The conversation had been dismissed, and just in time to, for we had reached the doors again. He pushed it open, the smell of food rushing to my senses. The instant reaction of my mouth beginning to slightly water and my stomach growl was a dead giveaway of just how hungry I was. Except, despite my hunger, my eyes locked upon Father...just as the door shut quite loudly behind me.

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