The Wanderer

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"Levy? Levy wake up." His voice sounded so real, as if he was right there. Right there next to me. His voice called to me, and yet I couldn't get my eyes to open. "Mmnh," A tiresome moan escaped my lips. "Levinta... I need you to wake up, my sweet girl." My body shot up, "Dad!" My eyes flung open and I looked around in the darkness that surrounded me. "What?...Where..." I looked frantically about, clinging onto the wisps of his voice that still swirled in my head. "Daddy?..." My voice cracked, the deafening silence ringing in the truth. Just a dream...he was just a dream. As my eyes began to adjust to the moonlight that urged through the thick branches of the trees, my heart broke completely. "Daddy...please...don't leave me alone again," I whimpered, feeling the tears burn behind my lashes. I couldn't stop the tears that fell, nor the sob that racked my chest. I gave in to my pain, to my heartache. My mother was no more, and yet I still felt like this. I was now completely alone. 

I'm not sure how long I laid on the forest floor, nor when exactly my body completely changed. All I knew was that my appearance was a very pale comparison to what I once was. When I had finally come to, I made my way slowly to a nearby stream. I could feel the dirt and grime in places a lady really shouldn't. Once I reached the water, I stripped down and stepped into the cool water; trying my best to relax and focus. She was gone, which meant I had freedom...but no purpose. I sighed and looked down at the ripples in the water, and it was only then that I saw my reflection. Snow white hair, pale grey eyes, my dusted pink scars intertwining together... It was as if all the color, all the life, had drained from my body. "..." I was completely speechless. How could I become this? "Levy... you will always be beautiful in my matter what." Even in this moment, a memory of my dear father echoes in my mind; Or rather Ronan. 

According to mother, Ronan Viktor Black, was not my father. At least, not by blood. Even in those final moments, her eyes confirmed the truth to her words. She was vile and she was cruel, but a liar... unfortunately Isidora Xiomara Black was a very honest woman. Sometimes, she was too honest. So, if Ronan was not my biological father...then who was? What was he like? Would he want to know about me? Does he already?... All of these question swirled around in my mind, only making me that more frustrated. I let out an exasperated sigh, bringing myself back to the present. I stepped out of the water, a slight breeze shaking the trees and tickling my skin.

After I had washed and dried my clothes and got dressed, I sat under one of the trees and tried my best to get some rest; it was only then that a voice whispered in my head, " are not alone..." Those words were an awash of comfort, but also it brought a sense of unknowing. The tone of the voice brought a flutter of familiarity, yet I was unsure why. It wasn't much soon after, that I had drifted beneath the oak tree. Sleep took over my body and mind, and so I rested; the loner with no family left...or so I thought.

I awoke to rays of sunshine, pushing through the branches and leaves of the trees. The slight shift of the wind curling around my body, tickling my face. "A new day..." I whispered, stretching my arms above my head, feeling the slight crack and pop in my shoulder. Rising from the ground, I decided to start a new adventure. The meadow and my cabin was my safe space. A place to go for tranquility and peace of mind; but now I am alone in every sense of the word. It was then I decided to change. 

From the moment I had made the decision, the rest fell into place. I tied my bag to my right leg as not to lose it, and shifted. My wolf took over and with it brought the natural survival instincts. I left my old home behind, I left my safe place. The scenery of oaks changed to plains, to seeing the blue sea, to trees once again; only this time it was a mixture of trees I had never quite seen before. There were pine trees, mighty oaks, a few willows in various places but still relevantly close to each other. 

I took it all in. Although the wolf had the lead, I still put everything to memory that I saw. I wandered all over this odd area. The pure uniqueness of how the environment was, had me in awe. I wasn't sure how long I had been here, but I knew that I was exhausted beyond belief. My paws were so light on the forest floor, the cool of the dirt and the ripple of moonlight that shined upon my ebony pelt... it was as if in these moments everything was right in the world. Loneliness was my only companion, but it was what I had become accustomed to, until he showed up.

I had fallen asleep beside a stream, my paws dangling off the side, touching the cool water. The wind shifted, the air becoming thick and humid. A crack, a bolt of lightening across the sky followed by a boom of thunder. A clap and rumble causing rain to pour from the sky, raining down upon my pelt. My body shifted as I slept, the droplets caressing my ivory skin. 

The snap of a branch nearby awoke me. My head tilted back to feel the rain, my heart pounding. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck rise. It was as if I could feel someone watching me. After I took a breath, I untied the bag from my leg and quickly dressed. Turning upon my heels, my eyes caught sight of what seemed to be a large male, at least ten feet tall. His vibrant lime green eyes were boring directly at me. My breath hitched at the sight. His eyes reminded me so much of what mine used to be, although brighter. His black hair had this cosmic feel that made my hand involuntarily grab at my own hair of snow. My eyes flitted to his skin, the color of caramel. Who was this man and why did he stare at me with such a gaze. 

It was in that moment that the voice returned, "You are safe. Be brave." I swallowed hard and pushed myself to speak, "I see you...what do you want?" I stood stock still as I watched this man move as if he walked upon air. His eyes were focused upon me, and as he neared I could see his green orbs in more definition. He soon stood before me, maybe six feet from where I stood, glaring upon him. He looked at me, his eyes roaming up and down. Out of reflex, I crossed my arms over my chest. "Who. Are. You." I demanded.

"Asil. Asil Saino Caelestis, but you can call me Arcanum...Sister."

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