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Amren Valentino

The air in the car felt heavy and cramped, albeit the freezing weather outside, the atmosphere sizzled with dripping tension and looming frustration.

I can't help but thinking back to hours ago, it was my actual wedding, I'm married now.
Nonetheless, different worries invaded my mind other than my marital status right now.

The fact that Ivan had managed to breech the tightly secured wedding arrangements, made me question further about my suspicions of a possible mole infiltrating my mafia, my organization.

Surely, everyone knew the punishment for betrayal was inevitable death, no evading.
So, whomever had the audacity to stab me in the back using an edged knife, and willingly chose to be disloyal to me, had nerves.

The drive to the safe house ends shortly with the black tires screeching contrastingly to the white snow that sat meadowy on the sunken ground.

I thank my driver, Ian, one of my most trusted men who was well trained for any sort of emergency popping up. Thankfully, the situation didn't arise.

I pat him on the shoulder, a silent thank you, and he reenters the car, after telling me he'll manage to provide sufficient food and clothing for the upcoming few days we'll stay here.

I nod passively and then head towards the isolated wooden cabin from the overpopulation and all the noisy fuss of crowded cities.

I step into the wooden doors, finding Aiyana already occupying the brown couch in the middle of the room, frame slightly shivering, her hands rubbing at her thighs in an attempt to generate heat sheltering her body of the blistering cold.

I get the signal loud and clear, then proceed to the dust filled fireplace, gathering up some of the wood sticks on the way, tucked in the corner of the room, in order to ignite a flame, hopefully so we don't freeze to death by morning.

After a few attempts, I successfully managed to ignite the tiniest of spark, which was all I needed to get the fire going and devouring the wood hungrily.

A soft sigh is heard, and I notice her getting up from the couch and enthusiastically making her way here, not long before she settles beside me, at a safe distance, of course.

I zone in on the clattering noise of her teeth, her freezing purple lips seem to enjoy the heat to an infinite degree.

She shoots out her hands, palms out facing the gentle fire and her features relax out a bit as the heat bounces off to her caramel skin.

"Still cold?" I ask her a few moments later.

"Hmm" She nods aggressively and I take a quick look to the thin fabric of her dress, if we were in a furnace she was still bound to get cold due to the sheerness of the barely there dress.

I take off my jacket and drop it on her shoulders, making sure to button it to maximize security around her trembling body.

Her eyes widen "You didn't have to-, you're cold too, I mean I can mana-"

"I'm fine" I assure her and get up from the cozy fireplace to the rundown kitchen, opening a few old cabinets, I'm not too surprised to be met with emptiness.

I drag a hand through my face, dragging it and rubbing circular motions around my eyes. I was sleep deprived, famished, freezing, and non of this would have happened if it weren't for the brown eyed girl sitting near the fire.

Sucking a deep breath in, I force a reminder that it's not her fault, she was thrown into this as a scapegoat as much as myself.

I settle back into the room to find her had taken off her heels, now tossed aside, and laid down on the carpeted floors, still by the side of the fire.

When she notices my emerging presence, she shifts slightly allowing me space to lay beside her, sharing the heat.

I, on impulse, grab a few pillows and a blanket that were placed on the couch and settle back to my previous spot.

Arranging the cushions comfortably, I throw the frizzy blanket around both of us and close my eyes, finally able to catch some rest after this heck of a day.

My ears pick up on some shuffling, and I pop one eye open to find her shifting and tossing before she finds a comfortable position to lay in, her eyes hypnotized by the red flames, her hand playing with the ring on her left finger.

I her her sighing softly to the air of the night, and this time I closed my eyes, prompting her to stop "Just go to sleep"
Those were my last words before I gave in to the exhaustion and drooped my eyes, alongside my mind, off.



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