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Aiyana Valentino

Waking up to the sunlight seeping through the windows, tingling my skin, pricking at my eyes, I groan and snuggle closer into my pillow.

I don't want to get up just yet.

It's the moment my pillow tugs me closer and hugs me back that my brain turns to scrambled eggs and I snap my eyes open.

There we laid, tangled together in the sheets, hugging the other like our life depended on it. I'm met with the drooling worthy sight of his chest muscles contrasting and flexing underneath my fingers.

A slight blush creams my cheeks and I try to wiggle out of his overly comfortable touch without causing much of a ruckus, when his arms tighten their hold against me, dismantling my escape at a quick runaway.

"Good Morning" Ren says huskily, his eyes still very much closed, while holding me closer than ever, his breath tickling my neck.

My face reddens at the situation, causing me to reply with a quick, sandy dry "Morning" in return, and I cursed my dry throat.

He chuckles at my flustered state, and the sound is heavenly, shooting warm arrows into my stomach.

We laid there for a few moments, both savoring the unprecedented feeling, before the sound of phone ringing shrills through the comfortable silence and interrupts the intimate moment.

I take it as my cue to finally get up and take a shower, calming the nerves in my stomach that are currently throwing a party.

After getting dressed, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen, getting greeted by the staff with acknowledging nods and plain simple 'Good Morning's.

As I'm scooping things, piling different vegetables on my plate, Ren comes rushing in looking about to strangle someone. I guess his phone call wasn't that pleasant.

I duck my head, and decide to keep my mouth shut, trying not to solicit any negative response that might get him to snap at me.

I kept my head downwards, eyes strictly on my plate, fighting off the urge to look him in the eyes and ask what's wrong.

I notice his hot stare at me, his gaze burning like laser through me, and I swallow my food in utter silence.

A few moments later, he gets up and leaves, with not a word said. I can't help but feel like the early morning was a mere fantasy of my innovative imagination and something told me not to get too used to it. The feeling clipped at my stomach twisting and turning my guts, I sighed in surrender, food wasn't looking that much appetizing anymore.

I got around to finishing some errands, by the time I'm done it's already late at night and my husband hasn't returned yet.

I was starving, I didn't want to eat before he came home, and it looks like the food I had in the microwave ready to be reheated was going to waste.

I was exiting the bathroom after changing into my sleeping attire when I heard the shuffling, and enters my husband looking rugged and tired. Like he's been ran over by a truck.

His hair disheveled, strands of brown locks sticking out in all directions. His suit jacket from this morning thrown hastily on the foot of the bed, his sleeves rolled up messily to his elbows, dark circles prominent under his eyes.

All in all, it only made him look more handsome if possible, he sees me but says nothing, his demeanor taking a 180 change of yesterday.

I make my way down, heat up the pasta and bring him a plate. Once I reenter the room, he's showered and changed into sweatpants and a light cotton shirt.

He goes to the bed to lay down, and I make it to his side, offering the plate of food. "Here, you haven't had supper yet" I offer gently with a smile lifting the corners of my mouth.

He sighs and takes it without a response, munching silently and nonchalantly at the food. Not sparing me even a quick 'thanks'.

I laid there in the dark, too much on my mind to actually go to sleep soundly. I gathered the courage and decided to grow some audacity to turn and face him.

He's finally finished with the food, the plate placed aside on the bedside table and he's laying down limply on the mattress.

"Ren, what's wrong?" My voice coming out as a whisper in the night.

"Nothing" His response shoots at my heart. Clearly, something was wrong and it upset me he didn't want to tell me about it.

"You're looking distressed, what happened?" I try reaching out again only for him to burst in my face.

"Why do you want to know? It's not like you care" The words knock the wind out of my lungs.

"Of course I care, what's the matter? Ever since this morning you've been off" I confront and he huffs with annoyance.

"You know what just forget it" He says with finality and shifts to his side, giving me his back and it feels like I've been locked out of heaven.

The gesture made a cold shiver run down my spine to capture my whole body; I felt discarded like an object and I wasn't going to let this happen.

With gathered force and the unshed tears in my eyes, I got out of bed, carrying a pillow with me, hastily putting my slippers on and shot out of bed.

The sound of shuffling caught his attention, he furrowed his eyebrows "What're you doing?" He asks and sees the hot trail of fresh tears that managed to escape stream down my cheeks.

"I'm not sleeping here" I plainly announce, getting out of bed to make my way towards one of the spare bedrooms.

His face softens at my tear streaked face "I'm sorry, don't g-" He's quick to apologize while rubbing his hands on his face, realizing his fuck up.

It's already too late, I turned the knob and slammed the door behind me with force, solidifying my statement and made my way to an adjacent room.

I laid down, pulled the covers all the way over my head and prayed that the thin fabric of the silk along with the walls were thick enough to muffle my crying.


... and we're back to depressed ✌️

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