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Aiyana Valentino

I woke up to messy bedsheets and an empty spot next to me, the sunlight seeping through the blinds teasing my eyes.

I groan and decide it was time for me to get up and carried myself towards the bathroom to lather in a much needed hot shower.

The water danced around my skin, droplets gliding down and after the whole bathroom fogged up with steam, I finished and stepped out.

Changing my clothes, I decided that ever since yesterday night, when we arrived here, I've been cooped up in this room and haven't seen much around, today I was going to make up for it.

So, today was for exploring and touring this huge mansion, getting acquainted with the interior of this beautiful architecture.

Glancing through the mirror, I was satisfied with the way I looked. I put on perfume, lathering myself -and probably the entire room not to be joking- in its captivating scent and exited.

Making my way downstairs, I just followed the noisy clattering to find myself in where I assumed was the kitchen.

People in uniforms strutted back and forth, each to their own task at hand. Upon sensing the unfamiliar presence, one maid in particular turns to me.

If I had to guess, I'd say she was in her late forties, her damp blonde hair pulled neatly into a low elegant bun. Her features were soft, almost motherly.

"Welcome, darling. You must be Aiyana" She says and I smile back nodding in affirmation.

"Yes. Hello, I'm Aiyana Vas-Valentino" I offer her a hand and she gladly takes the gesture and shakes mine firmly.

"Oh yes, Ren's bride, I know. But he hadn't mentioned what a beauty you are" My cheeks turn crimson red upon the compliment.

"Thanks, I was just wondering if I can have breakfast, also, a tour of the mansion doesn't seem like a bad idea" I offer and she nods her head, turning backwards towards one of the other workers in the kitchen.

"Of course dear, Maisie, prepare a plate for Mrs. Valentino" The younger cook nods eagerly getting started in scooping things up a plate.

After a delicious meal, we finally got to the house tour, Lidya, as I learnt her name, got me acquainted with the different rooms and spaces of the huge mansion, giving me background stories here and there on some of the expensive furniture pieces.

I listened intently and tried savoring as much information as I could inside my head.

After the lengthy tour, which included lots of stops and twists to cover the huge area, both indoors and outdoors, I thanked her immensely and decided to retreat to my room to rest.

As I took a look at my phone it was 2:30 in the afternoon. I was extremely bored with no friends to hangout with, and no hobbies to practice.

Sprawling out on the bed, my eyes closed off involuntarily and I was encased in a power nap.

Sometime later, a shuffling woke me up from my slumber, I groaned rubbing my eyes to kick the sleepiness away. The noises come from the bathroom and a moment later the door flies open revealing my husband in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

Red blush invades my cheeks and I try not to ogle that obviously. He opens the closet, taking out clothes and thankfully decides to change in the confines of the bathroom and not just blankly while standing in front of me.

I gather myself up and taking a look at the darkened skies outside, I figured my quick little nap must've stretched on longer than intended.

After he exits, I shuffle inside, changing into my nightwear and doing my skincare routine so I can finally reside back to my bed comfortably.

I shut the door behind me silently while I file back into the room. I lay down back on my previous spot on the bed, seeing he took his side.

I try closing my eyes and drifting back to sleep but I wasn't drowsy in the slightest. I just woke from a nap that lasted several hours, how can I surrender back to sleep that easily?

"We have a ball to attend tomorrow night" comes out his voice. I thought he was asleep, what the hell.

"Amidst all the wars you decided to throw a gala? Funny" I remark the irony of the situation. We're supposed to be in hiding, keeping a low profile for now, not flaunting around parties being Page Six's front cover photo.

"Because there is a war we're going to the ball. Everyone gets to be there but no weapons allowed. Kind of a breather from all the drama" He explains and my head cringes. It sounds like the worst idea imaginable.

"What time do we need to leave?"

"We need to be there by eight, so seven thirty" He adds and I nod though he can't see me in the dark.

"Ok" I let out and close my eyes mirroring his position, although not drifting to sleep, but already planning away outfits in my head for tomorrow.


things are progressing.. *evil laugh *

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