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Amren Valentino

I sigh in contentment at the sight in front of me. Yana was laying down on me, her small figure squishing mine.

My whole left side was numb, she's been clinging onto me from last night, her weight cutting the blood circuit. I'll need to stretch for forever when I finally get up, not that I mind.

If my presence brings her peace and serenity, then so be it.

As I draw slow circles on her waist, I fight the urge to lift my hand and pull her hair away from me. It's currently tickling my neck but she doesn't have the slightest clue about all these smallest inconveniences.

I take a long whiff, as expected, my nostrils fill with her heavenly scent of her shampoo, becoming addictive. For once, I realized that for the past couple of nights I had missed her.

She'd been sleeping in one of the guest rooms, and I've been left to vend for myself. I concluded that I like the hassle and all the shuffling sounds in the morning whenever she wakes up and heads for the closet to gather her outfit for the day.

I like how she occupies the bathroom longer than necessary, so when I enter afterwards her smell is engraved even in the fogged up mirrors.

I love it when I wake up in the morning and the first thing I'm greeted with is her sleeping soundly beside me, her chest heaving up and down occasionally with soft breaths and pouty lips, making them all the more kissable.

Or the fact that she sleeps in those skimpy night-wears, that hunch up by the time it's morning offering me some of her smooth skin for my fingers to draw circles on her waist, or plant light kisses on her exposed upper chest and shoulder, to which she reacts by smiling while in her slumber and she would sometimes somewhat move closer to me, diminishing the space between us, and buries her head in my chest, while I feel her smile on my skin causing me to smile in return and tighten my hold on her.

That's how the rest of the week went like, snuggling close at night and waking up engulfed in each other's arms; the most wholesome feeling I've ever felt.
Slowly, the heat pool in my heart kept growing in size. With time, the butterfly zoo in my stomach was largely growing by number the more time we spent together.

It was sailing smoothly, almost too good to be entirely true, and I couldn't ignore the uneasiness poking into me, reminding me that something bad was about to happen; the ship that was rolling smoothly into the depths of the sea, sooner or later was bound to face the hardships of the wind.

Today, I woke up extra early, leaving the beauty in my bed to get her morning sleep, I showered and put on a suit then drove to the warehouse where I had an important meeting with my trustees, after all, no problems were going to solve themselves.

I got there, noticing the meeting room was already prepared with neatly stacked chairs around a rectangular wooden table. Everyone was leisurely seated and the only empty spot was by the head of the table. My spot.

I went and claimed my seat, exchanging good morings with the rest of the members.

I took a glance in front of me, noticing the large number of files placed neatly on the surface of the table. No joke, I had a lot -a lot- to work through here.

Sighing I opened the first page of the first file atop of the pile and started flipping through while going back and forth with my members, discussing each situation at hand and what the optimal solution would be.

Five or six files in, approximately two hours and a half later, the door to the room was jerked open, all heads turning to see the culprit whom dared to interrupt this important meeting.

My eyes widen at the sight, tall, dressed in a black leather pantsuit was non other than Victoria Fuentes, an old flame of mine that I'd like to keep buried in the past.

Everyone goes quiet at the sound of her combat boots hitting the ground, I grow rigid the more she closes in.
Now she stands at the other end of the table, straight across from me.

Her hands dart to tame her blonde locks while she took off her sunshades, exposing the blue eyes I came to detest.
Her red rouged lips snarl up into a knowing smirk, she opens her mouth "Miss me?"

"Alright everyone, we'll finish the rest later" They seem to get the hint and scatter out like chicken, eager to leave the room, me too in fact, me too.

"The fuck you doing here Victoria?" I growl, I can't help the harsh tone and temper I exuded, in all truth, she deserved every last bit of it.

Her mere existence here brings me nothing but hostility.


Ok, so this came about a
week with no progress. Nada.
Next chapter is super interesting, stay tuned;)
drama drama, tsk tsk

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