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Aiyana Valentino

To stop myself from writhing in his arms, due to his hot fingers on my skin, I take up on his offer for a dance.

When I hear the end of a song and the start of another one, coming from the dance floor, I push myself off of the wall before I melt into it and thread our hands together, leading him in the direction of the music.

Although, the sound of my own heartbeat overpowered any other sound, drowning the rest of the world to white noise in the background, I managed to recognize the song playing to be a slow classic one.

Once we reach the dance floor, we thrust into the center, his hands encapsulate my waist while my arms shoot up to his neck.

The atmosphere is quiet with silence and heavy tension hanging around from our previous encounter, invisible sparks bursting out electrifying the air around us.

We stand a few inches away, awkwardly, slow dancing requires two. It also requires a level of intimacy. This, whatever the hell we're doing was blank blasphemy to the name of dance.

Our eyes shift to each other, staring deeply, until his large hands push me further against him, my chest clad to his.

Up against each other, I encircle my hands around the nape of his neck, tugging at his hair while in reaction, his hands squeeze my sides and we gently sway to the music.

Finding looking into his eyes hard and naked bearing, I bury my head in the crook of his neck, the same side I pressed my little knife into a few moments ago. His intoxicating cologne driving my head straight into a wall.

Once we're lost in the music and each other, the world fades away simultaneously, nothing matters but the poisonous proximity, our hands rooted around the other likely a fitted glove.

It was easy to say in this exact moment, we alone existed. It was only him and I born on this earth. Other beings or matters ceased to be, and while it lasted it was haven-like.

Both of us liars, exploiting the music to our benefit, pulling the strands of the truth's hair, manipulating the situation for personal gain. Well, nothing lasts forever.

Sadly, the earth resumed turning, species continued to breath and breed, all when the music came to an end, stealing the alibi away.

With forced discipline, we forced our hands away from each other, my body missing the heat of his hands immediately while mine simply hung limply by my side, itching to return back, though I shut the urge down.

We only did that for the sake of the spectators. I'm also tipsy. It's the alcohol causing my actions. Totally not my subconscious.

After this one night of tug of war, the night came to an end as we walked out of the tightly secured building towards the awaiting limo by the curb.

My head was more crammed up with mixed signals than a broke tv. And it's safe to say, broke down Tvs basically consist of crammed up mixed signals.

We walk away in the cold breeze of the night, the sky darkened to a dark lilac blue, filled with lit stars scattered around the wide stretched sphere.

Walking out of this event, put my nerves on relax, not having to impress people anymore, or fake smiles the entire time. Though, frankly, it unleashed a new type of uneasiness in my muscles. The reason for it, was the brown with a little green eyed man currently opening my door for me.

I walked in here stressed about how will people perceive me, what my image will be like next to all these A class socialites.

Now, I'm leaving with the tension building in my stomach from the unexplained gestures of tonight.

For once, it feels I'm walking away with more than I initially bargained for. And it sets my mind ticking away in horror.


A/n: I'm honestly liking how the last couple of chapters came out.
Let me know what you think;)

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Mafia Arranged MarriageOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora