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Aiyana Valentino

The hectic schedule of today had me mentally drained and wanting to creep like a zombie to the comfort of bed.

Firstly, I woke up and had to run some errands, driving from one place to another all morning, because let's face it; I like to compile everything together into one mess and then I'll be forced to handle them collectively. Weird mindset.

After I was pretty much done with everything for the day, I got a text from Christina and Layla telling me they're dining at a near restaurant asking me to join them. I didn't want to turn down the hearty invitation and as I was done with my errands I decided that I'll go meet them.

Hence, here I am, the sound of my heels clinking on the marbled floors of the fancy restaurant located on eleventh avenue, all attendees clad in shiny shoes, expensive wristwatches, and glittering jewelry that might damage one's eyesight if looking for too long.

I enter through the spotless transparent glass doors, taking a look around the pristine well-lit insides, I spot my mother and sister in law, waiving over and them bobbing their heads for me to come claim my seat.

After hugging them both and exchanging pleasantries, I take a seat next to Layla, both of us seated across from Christina.

"We saw you last week, but it feels like it's been ages ago, how are you dear?" Christina asks in a warm tone with a dazzling smile on her face. I ease into my seat and we make light conversation. We end up talking about everything and anything, they're actually such good company to hang out with and I can't help but grin widely at the fact that they consider me family, and we can talk about the most random things and not be judged for it. They emanated this aura of laid-backness and easiness; it was almost natural connecting with them.

As we're finished with our ladies' lunch, two hours later, I'm walking outside of the restaurant and making my way to my car, a little sad I had to part ways with the ladies - they made me promise Ren and I would visit them soon- but happy and content somehow at the thought of going home. It settles a nerve inside me. Home.

Just before I turn the ignition on, my phone rings, to my surprise it's not my husband calling; a wave of sadness flashes through me before I push it down and remind myself he's probably busy with work.

Grimacing at the caller ID, I pick up the call knowing I can't dodge the person blowing my phone up with the unwanted ringing.

"Yes, father?" I level my voice to come out calm and collected. Don't make it obvious you hate him, I enchant the holy mantra repeatedly in my mind.

"Aiyana, honey, how are you doing?" He asks and I roll my eyes while scowling comforted by the fact that he can't see me right now.

"I'm well" I keep my answer curt and to the point, hoping he'd get the notice and leave me the hell alone.

"Well, actually I need to talk to you about something urgent. You need to come see me at my office now" He demands in that sick fake honeyed tone he puts on whenever he needed something from me. A frustrated sigh leaves my lips "I can't, I'm busy-" Before I get the chance to finish my sentence he quickly shuts it down himself "It's urgent, I expect you in a half an hour" His voice stern, not leaving any room for discussion or rejection.

I grind my teeth together, I have an entirely different last name but this man keeps thinking he can control me. "Fine" I spit out begrudgingly and disconnect the call.

Fastening my seatbelt, I grown loudly before I put the car in D and pull out towards my father's manor.



Ok, so after a week of nada,
I finally rolled back into it.
Stay tuned for cliffhanger, action and drama ;)

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