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Amren Valentino

I feel like shit. Knowing she did nothing wrong and had absolutely nothing to do with all the problems I was facing earlier at work, and still shutting her out and exploding in her face.

Everything was sailing smoothly until I got a call from one of my men at the warehouse notifying me of stealing of a shipment and from then all hell broke loose.

I had to firstly figure out who fucking stole from me, focusing all my efforts on finding the culprit.

Secondly, I had to get on the phone, explaining to the distributor the current circumstances, promising them that it's all under control and I'm working on it.

How can I make a shipment appear out of thin air? Well, it's not fucking simple, so that's what I've been occupied with for the whole day.

Getting on the phone, pulling strings and asking for favors. I feel like I'm strained by the end of the night.

On top of all of that, I had my mother persistently calling me, nagging me about a family dinner. One where I shall introduce my wife officially to the family.

And it all sits there weighing on my shoulders. I felt suffocated, like I couldn't breathe.

And then she had to ask what was wrong. Everything was wrong. Every single thing in the world was wrong and I had to just implode on her.

My previous outburst had me laying in bed limply, regretting my brutal actions the moment I saw the tears leave her eyes and stream down her cheeks.

She looked hurt. Well, of course she would, dumbass.

I raked my hand through my hair for the umpteenth time for today, while I huffed loudly in the silent room, begging the stress to leave my frustrated body.

With swirling thoughts in my head, I went to sleep, alone and cold.

Waking up, I showered, got dressed and then made my way downstairs for breakfast.

Yana was sitting there on a stool, eating away her breakfast in utter silence. I notice her puffy eyes and red cheeks and a nagging feeling eats away at my insides. All my doing.

I kept quiet and sat opposite her eating my own food. The atmosphere was heavy with unsaid words. She didn't spare me a glance since I entered the dining room.

Not able to take much longer of her ignoring me, I broke the lengthy silence "We're attending a family dinner. Today at 8 pm"

She doesn't lift her eyes from the plate as she nods blankly. With that, I get up as I had more issues to tackle today at the warehouse.

"Boss, you wouldn't believe who turned out behind stealing the shipment" Javier says the moment I step into my office at the warehouse.

I lift my eyebrows surprised, they managed to figure out the culprit in record time, although I had my own suspicions about who that might be, I kept them all to myself since I didn't have any concrete evidence. Mere speculations equal nothing if not backed up by proof.

"Well, who is it?"

"Does the name Arturo Vasquez ring any bell?" His lips lift up in a smirk and I furrow under the unexpected name.

"It doesn't just ring a bell, it in fact rang so many bells as he walked his daughter down the aisle to me"

"Why the hell would my father in law steal from me?" I vocalized my thoughts and my head was racing in million different directions.

"I don't know, you think your wife has anything to do with it?" He says slowly, almost dreading the accusation.

My eyes snap to his immediately "I don't know" I answer truthfully and zone out in my head.

Did she know about this? Was she in on it since the beginning? Could she really do this? Betray me? Was her good girl act just a facade?

The questions swirl in my head like a sandstorm, washing away all that once stood, disheveling away everything that once was. The question eats at my insides, igniting a fire so hungry, it ate everything it saw in sight.

Did she know?

I make it home at seven, reminded of the family dinner we had to attend. Another social function where we had to act all loved up like a real couple. She probably wanted to slit my throat, not that I blamed her.

I make it to the house, up to our eerily quiet room and can't help but get a whiff of her lingering perfume hanging around in the air, serving as an assurance that she'd been here not long ago.

I sigh, overthinking our situation and enter the bathroom for a refreshing shower.

As I'm finished, I make my way out into the room while drying my chest, and the blood in my veins runs cold upon seeing her.

Well, fuck me.


A/n: ookie, dokie

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