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Amren Valentino

I'm at the warehouse, with a stack of papers laying sardonically on my desk, waiting impatiently for me to go through them.

To say I've been neglecting my work here, would absolutely be a bit of exaggeration. I mean, I know I'm not invested and workaholic as much as I used to, but I honestly think it's for the better.

Previously, I used to work 14+ hours a day, dedicating the most of my day in going through papers, negotiating deals, interrogating prisoners and striking deals with other mafias in order to expand the business.

As much as that was beneficial for the sake of the mafia, I was wasting away the years.

Compared to now, where there's a reason I'm eager to finish off my work and call it a night to be able to head home. That reason came with a head of brunette hair who liked to dress in skimpy nightgowns.

Now, I could say that for once in my life, there was something higher up on my priority list other than work.

A knock draws me back from my reverie, I mutter a quick come in, not expecting any visitors at this time.

The door opens to reveal the face of my best friend and second hand man, Luca.
He plops down on the chair opposite to mine, making himself as comfortable as if he owned the place.

I cross my arms on my chest and push backwards a little, drawing away from the load of documents piled in front of me.

"Well, look who decided to finally grace us with his presence. You know when Noah said that you're in fact here, I almost thought he was joking until I decided to come checking for myself" He says with a smirk never leaving his lips, clearly insinuating suggestive things behind his words.

I groan and raise a perfectly sculpted eyebrow in his direction "The fuck do you want, Luca?" I ask monotonously, waiting for him to cut to the chase.

"Can't I just come in to check on my friend? Whom might I add, I haven't seen in over a week" He quirks an eyebrow up challengingly.

"I'm here now, so what is it?" I ask.

"Oh, no, don't mind me here" He says nonchalantly and a frown itches deeper on my lips.

"The fuck you want?" I inquire after a few moments of silence, where Luca has been just staring around the room, with a stupid smile on his face, telling me he's not done.

"So, how is the Mrs. ?" He asks finally looking me in the eyes.

"Yana is fi—" I say and he interrupts me before I finish "Oh, so you're on nickname bases now?" A teasing smirk I'd like nothing more but to punch off of his face.

"Well, she's my wife, I'd say that gives legitimate reason" I confess.

"Oh my god, you just won't admit it until I force it out of you?" He questions frustratedly while tossing his hands in the air in exasperation.

"Admit what?" I ask calmly.

"That you're fucking smitten with your wife" He says and I'm not fazed by him, he's my best friend after all, it's our job to keep the other in check and keep it real 24/7.

I remain silently on my end, not wanting to either confirm nor deny his statement, although I guess silence is incriminating as well, because he looks at me with a knowing smirk.

"Ahh, there it is, the silent agreement" He drums his pointer fingers on the table in a cheery beat, and I turn back to the paper sheet I was examining before he decided to grace me with his presence, and grill me about my personal life.

"Get out" I clench my teeth, spitting the words out.

"Chill, man. It's alright. You're allowed to be whipped by your own wife, I can't help but say what a weird trait for you, but it looks good nonetheless" He chuckles and gives me a toothy million dollar smile.

"Are you done? I'm trying to actually finish work here" I wave the paper in the air, indicating said work, he puts his hands up in mock surrender, while silently trudging back to the door.

"I can't believe she puts up with your grumpy ass" He mutters and I caught it, grabbing the first object I spot, a stapler on my desk, I throw it in his way actually missing by a couple inches and his eyes bulge out of their sockets.

"Sheesh, I'll leave" He says and gets out closing the door behind him.

I finally got to finish the remainder of today's work, picking up my phone I shoot a quick text to Yana, letting her know I'm almost finished and checking in.

The message appears to be sent, but not delivered to her, one tick verifying it. I shrug it off, maybe she's out of battery or has her phone turned off, I keep my phone on and place it near me on the wooden surface, in case she texts back or calls.


I like the banter these two got going on;)

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