Finish to Find

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


They had returned to their table up in the one dining room. Anita hadn't really said anything. She just looked worried and would sip at her ginger ale. (F/n) tapped her fingers on the tabletop and listened to the sounds of stone being destroyed. All of her wanted to believe that it had been a shelf or something else falling over, but that pounding sounded too distinct to be an object falling. Sure, the wall muffled the sound, but she didn't think that a wall would affect the sound that much.

Maybe, she just was over thinking the situation, and it'd be fine. They'd have nothing to worry about once opening the wall, and they'd have more room to store items. She released a light sigh and ran her right fingers through her (h/l) (h/c) locks. Anita glanced over to her friend. "We should know soon."

"Yeah. The room probably was constructed horribly, and the previous owner didn't want to deal with it or something like that," (f/n) muttered before she met Anita's gaze and gave somewhat of a reassuring smile. "At least, the contractor doesn't seem worried about this hidden room. And, that hole he found probably had happened from age, or the stone had a defect in it."

"Exactly," Anita commented in order to add further reassurance.

Both of them shared a small smile with each other before they heard Jason calling for them. Getting up, (f/n) led the way. Jason had his tools set to the side, and they could see a hole big enough to walk through now in the wall. "It's ready. And, it looks like it was a shelf." He signaled them both to come down. (F/n) headed down first, and Anita stayed somewhat behind her, neither too sure of Jason's words just yet.

Reaching the bottom of the steps, they saw darkness beyond the hole before Jason turned on his flashlight and shone it into the space. "There is a light switch over to the left of this wall." He shone it in, and both of them looked over before Anita jumped and screamed. Instantly, she ran behind (f/n), who peered over and nearly screamed herself. There in the left corner by the light switch was an old male mannequin. "Ah, sorry about that." Jason gave them an apologetic look. "I forgot that some people don't like these things too much."

"It's not that; we just thought that it was an actual person for a moment," (f/n) clarified, but she did find the thing creepy, especially with only the flashlight illuminating it. There were cracks in its pale face, and a piece of plastic was missing from its left leg, revealing a bit of metal pipe.

"Ah, right, but it does look pretty old," Jason commented, stepping into the room and keeping the light on the mannequin. "But, it also looks pretty well made. It's jointed, which definitely isn't common for a mannequin that's this big. At least, in this area I haven't seen any like this." The mannequin was about six feet tall, and it had dark brown eyes. Its hair was in a gelled back style and was pitch black, but some of the color had faded with time. It also had sharp cheekbones, a pointed nose and square face type. Covering its torso and upper thighs was a sheet hanging on it loosely.

For a moment longer, he kept the light on the mannequin before he turned it away and walked further into the room. Both (f/n) and Anita were half-expecting the mannequin to come to life and attack Jason like in some horror movie, but it remained completely still. "Not much else in here but some shelves;" the flashlight shone over six wooden shelves in total, "however, this one seems to have been your problem." He faced them again and walked back towards them. Right by where the hole was, there was a shelf on the ground. The wood looked like it had collapsed in on itself. "Seems like time finally wore away at it. The other shelves in here aren't in too much better shape. Probably should get some new ones instead of using these."

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