Coffee to Prepare

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


A complete and utter headache. Nothing worth noting had been found, only information that Lee and she already knew. It was as though both families had anticipated people trying to find some dirt on them and managed to erase anything online that might pertain to something negative about them. There probably was content that was incriminating against Kaleb and in turn Tristan, but she was no hacker. And, she wasn't tech savy enough to learn how to hack into every website she needed in a couple of days, and she didn't even know if that was possible for someone. As for Lee, he still didn't know all of the basics about a laptop or other technology for that matter, which did point to him having been around before technology really took off.

What made matters worse was that she had her date with Tristan later that day. She was to meet him in a coffee shop close to the hotel called Cup of Pastry. And as usual, Anita gave her a teasing look throughout service that honestly made Anita only look more the villain. (F/n) would've preferred an evil laugh coming from Anita since at least that would've been honest.

Since she had been the one to arrange the date with Tristan, though, that meant that she couldn't really pass it off to the waiting staff and Scarlett like she had before. To them, it looked like she just was being moody to hide the fact that she was looking forward to the date since otherwise why would she agree to a third one if the last one had gone badly. Scarlett and Hal did tell her not to worry, however, and that the date would go well, that she'd do fine. She appreciated the sentiment even if they misunderstood the situation, but she couldn't blame them; they didn't know the truth, and she couldn't risk telling them it. At least, Lee knew. That gave her some comfort.

Lee's change of dress also did keep Anita from teasing her about Tristan every now and then. She'd ask how she enjoyed changing him and other such things. (F/n) wondered if Lee was laughing or wanting to punch her lights out. Maybe, both. But, Anita would tie it back into her date with Tristan and talk about what he might be wearing, that he'd be better than a mannequin and several other supposed selling points for Tristan. Frankly, a rock sounded more pleasant than Tristan.

It did ease her mind, though, that she saw more of Lee now than Anita. He was stationed at the front of the café and held a menu in his hands. The small cracks in his face and faded hair color did give him somewhat of antique charm, which customers appreciated with the overall fifties diner's theme meeting that of a fairytale land. Some of the customers even took pictures with him, and she tried not to laugh at the idea of him being annoyed by them doing so.

That idea was confirmed after the first day of service with him being stationed at the front. He was happy that he wasn't around Anita anymore, but he didn't exactly like strangers clinging to his arms either. To him, they weren't even victims that he was trying to fool. She only wished that she could see the irritated frown on his lips, but he did comment that he was glad to see that his new place in the café brought a smile to her lips.

Comments like that and his kiss he had given her the other night did make her wonder if he was changing his opinion on her even more. She didn't ask since she truthfully didn't know what she would do if he openly admitted that he was growing to have feelings for her. Sure, he admitted that might be the case, but it still was a might, not a certainty. If he brought it up on his own time, however, she'd have to give him some sort of answer.

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