Flowers to Depart

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"Nice try," she pushed herself off of the tree and avoided stepping on the flowers. "Anita probably will force me to make the date sooner than later anyway." (F/n) sighed somewhat dramatically. She shrugged. "I suppose that it can be sooner."

"How about in a week?" He stood up. "Maybe, you'll miss me by then," he teased with a smile.

Looking back to him, she raised a brow. "Doubt it."

"I disagree," he answered playfully, and she rolled her eyes before she began to walk off.

Tristan caught up to her and walked beside her. Before she could stick her hands in her cardigan's pockets, though, he grabbed her left one lightly. His fingers intertwined with hers when her arm tensed from surprise. A pit in her stomach formed, and she was tempted to rip her hand away. "... What ..."

Cutting her off, he held her hand tighter and responded, "I won't see you for a week. You won't miss me, but I know that I'll miss you." Was vomiting on his shoes an option? She really wanted to.

"... I ... Whatever," she muttered, making a mental note to wash her hand thoroughly when she got back to the café.

"Thank you." He smiled kindly before he led her between the trees and back to the path. A frown was on her lips, and she walked a little behind him. Her (e/c) eyes stared to their hands as though they'd burn a hole through his appendage. It remained quiet between them. To Tristan, her silence meant acceptance, but it really meant that she wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Eventually, they were coming closer to the front gates of the park. She looked ahead and saw Anita and Kaleb by the gates. The pair was holding hands, and Kaleb just finished pressing a kiss to the top of her head. It looked like it was meant to be reassuring, and she wondered if they had been discussing their plan to move Kaleb into the café. Anita, however, soon saw Tristan and her, and a wide grin stretched on her lips. "You got her to hold your hand?!" she exclaimed, glee in her eyes. That glee was like another stab in the heart to (f/n).

Heat entered Tristan's cheeks, and he gave (f/n)'s hand a light squeeze. She simply looked away, which caused Anita to giggle. "I'm impressed, Tristan," Anita complimented, walking towards them now. Kaleb followed behind her, and (f/n) swore that Kaleb gave Tristan a worrying look of approval. (F/n) imagined that Tristan was smirking inwardly. "You've really cracked her shell."

As if to prove Anita wrong, (f/n) tugged her hand away and crossed her arms. "Yeah right." Tristan, though, smiled, thinking that he was winning her over. (F/n) looked to Anita. "Are you heading back to the hotel from here?"

"Yep!" She smiled up to Kaleb before she focused back on (f/n) and winked. "You're welcome to join us. I'm sure that Tristan has some space for you in his room." Not going to happen.

"I'm fine. I'll head back to the café." There was no hesitation in her answer, and she pouted to Anita in disapproval. Tristan went to speak, but she cut him off. "I'll be fine on my own. You three have a good evening." She waved to them and glanced to Anita, giving her a look that meant not to be too long. Of course, (f/n) wanted the opposite, and she knew that Anita wouldn't listen to her gesture anyway.

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