Open to Run

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Hand resting on the doorknob, it slowly turned the object. Held up by her other hand was the lamp. She was ready to hit whatever was on the other side if anything was there. (F/n) threw open the door. Again, she scanned both ways. Nothing was there. After another inhale and exhale, she swiftly closed her door and dashed off towards her friend's. Once she reached it, she threw it open, closed it behind her and locked the door.

Given her haste, she didn't notice what was on the other side of her door. She didn't see him there even as she ran towards Anita's room. (F/n) had been too focused on her reaching her friend that she hadn't even caught sight of him standing right in the hallway. An amused smirk was on his lips, and he walked along the hallway until he reached the stairs and headed down. The entire time, she heard light creaking in the hallway, and she stood by the door with the lamp at the ready.

The creaking was getting quieter, however, which was a good sign? Maybe? She didn't know, but she heard movement behind her. (F/n) peered over her left shoulder and saw Anita sitting up on her bed. Anita rubbed her eyes and looked on in confusion. "... (F/n)?" Her light brown optics glanced to the lamp. "Everything okay?"

"I don't know." Slowly, (f/n) relaxed and set the lamp down on the ground as she moved a little bit away from the door. Worried, Anita got out of bed and walked across the beige carpet. She seated herself on the ground and patted the space in front of her for (f/n) to take a seat. (F/n) glanced to the door before she looked back to her friend and seated herself. No longer could she hear the creaking sound.

"That creaking sound from the storage area, I heard it up here. It was in my room, and I saw something leaving my room. I even it heard it as I came in here." She pointed to the lamp. "That had been moved without my doing so." (F/n) rested her hands on her knees and clenched her grey pajama pants. "I came in here because I was worried."

Concerned, Anita hummed in thought. "Are you sure?"

"I think so. I don't know. I might be tired and just hearing things, but I hadn't been dreaming either." (F/n) tightened her hold on her knees. "I just don't know what to make of it. I kept hearing it, and the lamp moved. Nothing was in the hallway, though, but I had seen my door close on its own."

"Well, we either have an intruder or," Anita met her friend's gaze head on and knew what (f/n) was thinking of, "that mannequin came to life." (F/n)'s (e/c) optics widened, but Anita gave her a reassuring smile. "I doubt that's the case, though." She leaned over and flicked her friend playfully on the forehead. "Right now, we don't hear anything out there, but to be safe, we should stay in here. Come morning, we'll check if anything was stolen and if any windows or doors are unlocked and/or opened."

Anita stood up from the ground. "I have my cell phone with me. We can call for help if anything else happens." She walked over to her nightstand and picked up her phone. "It'll be plugged in the whole time too so that it doesn't run out of battery. Okay?"

Not entirely convinced, (f/n) felt silly for asking, but she needed further reassurance. "And, if it's the mannequin? Then what? We won't notice in the morning if it moved or not since it might've moved back into its spot."

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