Hotel to Dread

942 75 14

A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Changed, (f/n) glanced over how she looked. Admittedly, she did think that the outfit looked nice on her, and she'd be fine with wearing it if she wasn't going to be on a 'date' with Tristan. Knowing that she'd be around him, the skirt felt shorter than it really was. She tugged on her skirt a little and pouted. "Can't I change?" she asked even though she was certain Anita wouldn't budge on the outfit choice. Anita's shake of the head was enough.

"No, you look cute!" Before (f/n) could protest again, Anita grabbed her hands and tugged her forward. "He'll be here any minute and get to see you like this!"

"How fun," she answered in a monotone voice. As soon as they left the kitchen, however, she glanced over to Lee before she focused back on Anita. "Since this date is going to happen, I have an idea to make it better." That gave Anita pause, and she raised a brow curiously.

(F/n) managed to free her hands from Anita, and she stepped over to Lee, who was wondering what she was going to do. Did (f/n) want him to end the plan and just go to frightening Anita until she left for the hills? Or, did she want Anita to think that she was going crazy? He didn't know, but he managed to keep himself from looking down to (f/n) when she placed a hand on his right shoulder. "I'm going to bring him along."

For a long moment, Anita simply stared before she burst out laughing. "You're joking, right?" she managed to question between laughs. When (f/n) shook her head, Anita stared again before she crossed her arms. "Really? And, how will that make the date better."

"Easy. Tristan does interior design with an antique feel." (F/n) pointed to Lee with her free hand. "He's an antique. He also looks like person." She didn't exactly like saying that last sentence, but she had to be careful with her words. Otherwise, Anita might start to think she's imagining things again. "So, Tristan can use him as a display when he's coming up with ideas. He can see how people will look in the room and also get a bit of an antique vibe."

"... Okay," Anita said slowly, furrowing her brows. "It's like you never were scared of that thing." No doubt things had changed drastically between Lee and her, but (f/n) had accepted his past and wanted to keep having him by her side past their deal.

Shrugging, (f/n) squeezed Lee's shoulder a bit. "Eh, I got used to him. And, he's been helping with business."

"And, you think Tristan is going to be okay bringing a mannequin along?" Anita questioned, sounding highly doubtful. "Plus, what will we do for the menu? He's become a part of this café."

"Doesn't h –" (F/n) stopped when there was a knock on the front door. Anita grinned and opened it, revealing Tristan on the other side. He had on a grey button-up, black shorts and grey boat shoes. He was very happy to see (f/n) wearing the outfit he picked. Of course, he didn't say anything on the matter since he liked keeping that secret to himself. Plus, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable since it had been a close call at the pool, but he hoped that she'd extend her promise of a kiss at the coffee shop to today as well.

"Come on in, Tristan." Anita stepped to the side. "(F/n) just has to grab her purse."

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