Up to Inquire

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Chin on the palm of his head, he chuckled and shook his head. Lee wrote another note before he let it fly over her way. Don't trust me? Her expression held obvious doubt in it as though he shouldn't have even bothered asking that question. Another note found its way over to her. Suit yourself, but you're the one who has to work tomorrow.

Tsking, she crumpled up the note and tossed it towards some of the other ones. "Can't you leave the room? You can take the laptop with you." (F/n) crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against the headboard, but she eyed him out of the corners of her eyes. "Whatever you want to do, you don't want me seeing it. Otherwise, you wouldn't have asked me about the history on the laptop."

I'm not going back into the kitchen. I'm in there enough during the day, and I don't like the other rooms as much. Maybe, the second dining room. Or, I could go in the storage area.

She rolled her eyes. "I don't care where you go. But, I'd rather it not be in here. How am I supposed to sleep with you right over there?"

You've done it before. An eyebrow of hers twitched. "Because, I didn't know you were alive, and I thought that I just was seeing things." She huffed. "Anyway, why are you hesitating? Do you really want to be in here so bad?" Another note landed on the bed, and she realized that she'd probably need more paper down the road.

This is my favorite room.

A frown appeared on her lips. "Why? Because you enjoy tormenting me?"

I suppose, though; I just like this room also. It was his room in the past, and it gave him some comfort to know that he still could enjoy it, especially since he could mess with his new roommate. He paused, though, when out of the corners of his eyes he saw the laptop screen turn black. Confused, he immediately focused on it and tried to get the picture on the screen to come back on. It didn't.

Expectantly, his eyes looked over to her. She met his gaze and raised a brow. "What?" He pointed to the laptop and continued to stare at her. Hesitantly, she got up and moved over to him. Trying not to get too close to him, she pulled the laptop over to her and used the touchpad. Nothing. (F/n) hummed before she recalled that she hadn't charged it when she used it last. It probably needed charging; however, she wondered if she should tell him that. "Hmm, I'll check it in the morning. Looks like it's not responding." As the words left her mouth, she could feel him examining her carefully.

In front of her, there soon was a note. You know what's wrong with it. You just don't want me on your laptop. Before she even could defend herself, he grabbed her letter opener and held it to her right wrist. Instantly, she froze. The cool blade glided across the top of her skin, and she couldn't help but gulp. His eyes met hers, and she wished she could tell whether he actually would hurt her or not. Lee had tormented her previously, but would he hurt her worse than that? Some of his comments implied that he had no issue with killing. That made her wonder just what he had done before he got sealed up.

Snapping out of her thoughts when the blade pressed in a little, she told herself it wasn't the time to be going over facts about him and possibilities of what and who he really was. (F/n) looked down to her wrist. The tip of the blade was poking her skin, but it wasn't breaking it yet. Instinctively, her hand shook a little. "Right. Just wait here a moment." When the blade didn't move, she nearly bitterly chuckled. Now, who was the one not trusting the other? "If you want to go on it more, I need to get the charger." There, it was out; he knew. Annoyingly, that was quick. So much for holding that information from him. If only she had been able to act better around him. Perhaps, then, he wouldn't have been able to tell that she was keeping information from him.

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